well, then it's all for naught, ain't it, hawkings? i know you -- you want to come along quiet? leg's all banged-up. he made a stupid play . he'll limp around the yard up at folsom. but astricky will be there to take care of him. with their priors, they're looking at a serious bounce -- how's that? you'll leave -- ? i don't golf. get out of here, then. now. leave the car, randall . arright, let lim go. cite him for rolling the stop . and cite old atley for driving to endanger . just like that. quit your bellyaching, hawkings . and let's wrap this up . i know you. i remember us having made some kind of deal, randall. i don't remember this deal having some kind of time-limit. i look at you - here - in my town - and i'm confused. i hope it's not your dear sweet mother. or your baby brother. what was his name? yes, kip. short for kipling. named for the english writer of stories about india . he bites into his pear . memphis says nothing, waits . i don't know. but you shouldn't be here. take care of your business. i'll give you 24 hours. and then i don't want to see your face. ever again. make a fool of me once, that's my bad. make a fool of me twice. that's really my bad, and i'll kick your ass from here to india . good. cos you know how it plays. six years ago, i let you go free. but the next time . the next time sends you away for'a long, long while . castlebeck. i know you. what are you still doing here, randall? what's this -- ? what's wrong with it -- ? run me down a tag - 329 hro. cadillac. sure. but sometimes we got to create some numbers. the task force is run by statistics, you know . something like that - okay, then. i'll catch you later, randall . right . it's funny. there's probably been five more cars stolen in the time i've been here . your girl works in there . yet your still here . i gave you 24 hours, 24 hours ago . honestly? i want to - once every few months - get into my car. pack a lunch. and drive on up to chino. on visiting day. bring you some magazines. maybe some almond clusters. and see you all bright and shiny in your orange jumpsuit. that's what i want . how is he? let's get out there. and have them run down every 167 shelby mustang in the area . find out where they're at. you spend enough time down a man's throat, you get to know his tonsils. do it . let's see what he's about -- 1 baker 11, in pursuit following collision with suspect. suspect is male, white, 40-45, six feet, 175 pounds, gray hair, gray moustache, dark suit . t.a.'s have occurred. you in the car. the area is surrounded. i want you out to step from the vehicle. hands on your head. i know you. it's finished, randall. get out of the car. you, too, kid. dispatch, what's the license on the suspect vehicle. ? i want you gone, randall. settle your affairs. make it right with those you love. hell, take 'em with you. but i want you out of here. out of here for good this time . i'll catch you later, randall -- you betcha --