pull over! pull her the hell over! you ain't sorry. you're a horrible driver. you can't strap into your seat belt, without almost getting creamed by a bus . damn. memphis raines. long time . all i get are the orientals. they can build 'em, but they can't drive 'em so? what are you doing here? what's with the outfit -- ? most of 'em are gone. the dyar boys are doing a nickel at chino; henry santoro and frankie fish are moving weight in florida; bill doolin was killed in denver. atley jackson's on the gimp and runnin' errands for calitri; the sphinx is still around, i guess . then of course, there's . okay. figure it forgotten. what's this about anyways -- ? most of 'em are late-model. we'll have to start beating the bushes, find out where they live. a bunch of strung-out hypes and stick- up men. this ain't like the old days, memphis. the profession has lost its. yeah. wow! they got eleanor here -- ? lookit kip. all grown up. you guys have any skills at all? what about him? there's no one left . we sent him out on a solo boost. see what he could do . how'd it go? well, that defies the point, don't it? get the damn thing in there and get it cleaned up - lemme see that - there's gotta be a million bucks worth here - jesus. the whole damn thing's loaded. car-jacking is the lazy man's boost. no skill. no finesse. can only take the car if the key is in it. that's not thieving. that's parking . thugs . with the decency of dirt . eleanor is memphis' "unicorn." grade-a unicorn . fabled creature. you know - the horse with the horn? impossible to capture? you'll get the hang of it, kid. you just need to remember one thing - on boost night? always take along a good mix tape . you got a school teacher or nancy from accounting, you don't put on sly stone or james brown. you put on ravel. rachmaninoff. but if you got some wild one you just picked up at the track, you wouldn't put on cat stevens or james taylor. you'd put on prince. or isaac hayes. or, if you really wanted to get after it: miles. it's the same way with cars. different cars. different tunes. you can't steal a maserati listening to sinatra. you gotta get urgent. you gotta get sonny rollins or led zeppelin iv, on that shit. but never, never-ever take no allman brothers into a lincoln town car. could lead to disaster. got it. ? good. gender bias . what do you think about all this? that's my girl -- well, well, well. the original crash test dummy. it's arright . that's being obscurest . who else? better known. memphis? for real. okay. gimme columbo. what color? you ever notice how it had a different interior every week? that bugged me. i'd like the names and addresses of the owners of these 20 cars please. i can wait. thomas sullivan magnum, to be exact. jonathan quayle higgins . walked like a bastard. skippin' stones and shit. i think so too -- i miss orville redenbacher already -- very good. think you can get in without waking her up -- ? that's an after-market alarm. can't just cut her wires . what's the matter? yeah? so? tell me: how come they call you "freb" anyways -- ? we're partners here -- glad to know you, "freberick." let's roll - of course not. i'm robin hood. i take from the rich, and give to the needy. no. the needy. us. cos we need this car! are you kidding me -- ? i'm stealing this car. so back off! donny-nothin'! lazy . lazy . i ask you, freb: what's the matter with kids today? i'm all right. been shot before. you take me to the hospital, they bust the both of us. the cops'll take me. go!