he didn't mess up. there it is . pop the trunk. i need my tool . yeah. ain't it great -- ? stolen fast car. no problem - what do you say, toby?, no . and they won't take my calls . it ain't what you'd call a "good sign" that, too . don't sweat it, freb. we're cool. it can be done, man. we just gotta step it up. it's a challenge . hello, memphis -- it's good to see ya, man. you changed your look - it's nice to see ya, man - who's got next game -- ? that can't be it. cos we don't need saving "give lim back the money." "give 'im back the money" be nice. if only we didn't drink the money. and smoke the money. and buy nikes with the money. and sony play stations with the money. and dirty girls with the money. but don't worry, man. things are all sweetness and light here. sure they are. although we do appreciate the gesture, memphis. but we do got it handled. and it was nice to see you -- - yeah. you want a ride. how'd you get here? your moms give you ride -- ? you boosted a 'vette? then where is it? damn crooks is everywhere -- yeah. except the only thing he's growing is old. don't you do that! you leave him alone! he's got nothing to do with this -- lemme out of this -- we can still do it -- listen, calitri -- i get out of this i'm gonna fuck you up -- yeah . i think so. there's things i can't feel right now. like my feet. but . you think you can get me outta this, memphis? i'd appreciate it - this has nothing to do with any of that -- all my enemies own car crushers. it's like a pre-requisite . owwww. totally. i'm fine. you want a beer, man -- ? you like kobe's game? i do. you think he's heir apparent to mj? i do. he speaks fluent italian, you know? so he's got that going for him -- yeah, man. where is your beer? cool. so you're living up north? i heard you were pumping gas - you're kind of cultivating a new look. nah. it's a scratch. hey, you want something to eat ? not much. i got olives. you like olives? kalamata olives rule, i think. ma likes the calabrese. it's more mellow yeah, yeah. that's what i'm thinking -- about what? about calitri? no worries, man. i'll call him. he's a reasonable dude . yeah. he just wants to know i'm still on it. he needs reassurance. all these big swinging dicks do. no worries. i won't let him get into our kool-aid. what? c'mon, man. my "demise" overreaction hey, now - i can handle it -- i can handle it -- i can handle it -- me. me. not really . but you know. maybe i'm wrong . hey, donny -- otto called - i like how you wallop back in here - after four years - and can still get all clifford huxtable on my shit . i hear ya. get me outta this. i'll move to the country. open a fruit stand. hell, yeah. mirror man here is our electronics expert. he's got some gadgets you old farts maybe never -heard of; tumbler can drive anything with wheels, and some things without; toby's a hacker, can do things with a computer, that are pretty amazing . freb can order pizzas like nobody's business you spread it out . you move around. so's they can't touch you. so's they don't know. shadow games and shit shadow games . this is loaded with crap - get a duffel. no shit? take it back? what do you mean take it back? are you crazy, man? i was six . ancient history's two things. "ancient." and "history!" don't go there, toby -- good work, toby -- how ya doing, sway -- ? peugot convertible . gray. remember who my brother is? thanks for playing, freb. that's a gimme . no. that was higgins . stumped -- ! reads the infrared. then kills it. little something the r & d department came up with . after a while, it became a little pathetic . figured i'd put you out of your misery . de nada . the family that steals together, deals together. maybe not. but dad was from another era. the era when crime didn't pay -- price of doing business. it's for assholes. the legal buck blows, memphis. you know that. doing this, we make mad bank, my boys are down, the girlies come around and the boosts are a breeze. yeah, sure, you're gonna get jacked-up every now and then - but ain't that a small price to pay for never, never-ever, having to say "paper or plastic?" there's no talkin' to him -- he's a judge. he'll only bite for something pimpy - oooh, she's chafed -- so we loaded all of the keyed cars up and dropped 'em . it was cake . 8 cars, ba-da-bing . hell, yeah. it's a beautiful business . i mean, no, man, it's hard, it's scary, it sucks . i'm cool. nah. i dunno. whatever will be will be. pop the trunk, tumbler. i gotta get my tool -- now, we go - see ya back at the ranch, kids -- ! any more . any more, o -- ? whatcha got left . ? we'll take it. we'll take it. shit . no. just hold on. hold on . hospital. i didn't know. should we take him to a hospital? i didn't know. i didn't. shhhhhh, shhhhh . i don't know. what -- ? what? what? i've missed you, man . toby. toby. i saw her get smashed-up on the tv. knew there was no way he was gonna accept her . ya gotta keep tabs on your "eleanors", memphis. cos you never know when you're gonna need one -- hell, yeah. she's not my unicorn. i dunno . i keep thinking about him. i reported it . yes, sir . sure, man -- you want me to buy her? where you off to -- ? hey, memphis -- ?