what's your problem, bro ? they'll be here. you nervous, bro? you? back in the day, they say you had anti-freeze in them veins . what happened -- ? yeah. i'm missing springer -- thirteen down . thirty-seven to go . so . it's my new move . it's called "the stranger." what i do is, i sit on my hand for 10 minutes. till it falls asleep. till it's good and numb. no feeling. and then i jerk off. cos it's like you're bein' done by a stranger . it rocks . it's the power move of the new millennium. what do you want, shithead? why don't you leave him alone? oooh, ain't you the lucky duck -- can i help you, pal -- ? "memphis?" you're memphis? damn. damn, damn, damn . shut-up, mirror man -- things are all leafy and suburban . damn. homeboy's on the dazzle . one night? are you nuts? freb's here. open the gate. we're rich. goddamn, we're rich! i know that one. general lee, i believe, was a . dodge charger . i know. "robin 1." robin 1 . watch and learn, old-timer -- the hemi has landed -- we can go now -- what for -- ? now what -- ? this way. this way. this. gettin' fancy. got their own palace guard - what are you doing here, assface? shit all looks the same here -- run it. what are we gonna do -- ? we can't do that, dude -- say something else, man