hey, justine. the wind was flipping paint in our eyes. why? what would be really neat is a paint that could change the molecular structure of a house, like a chemical acid deal. i've seen better, i've seen worse. nah. that's why i ain't never married. you got yourself the best fish in the sea. if i was a woman, i'd be a slut. a lesbian slut. so i heard about your friend bein' dead, and all. i'm sorry. well, at least you were with her when she went. ain't that right? you were. with her, when she went? workin' on your spiritual life? ain't that a hoot and a holler. i saw you, justine. i saw you. we got some things to talk about, you and me. you come by my place after work. if you knwo what's good for ya. easy bitz, easy bitz. back in your corner! back in your corner! back in your corner, bitz! come on in. i wanna show you somethin'. sit. i'm in shock. you know why. but don't you see? this is my chance, for liberation. i'm gonna have to tell phil then. he's my best friend. i can't keep him in the dark about somethin' this big. he's a cuckhold. well that's different. that isn't about him. that's about my salvation. look, you've got your choice to make. either destroy your marriage, and break your husband's heart. or have sex with me right now. you're paranoid. phil is never gonna find out about any of this. don't fret. you're lookin' at a free man, justine. a free man. thank you. knock 'em dead, partner. you look nice. i know you're angry and i can figure why. but, from where i stand, what happened yesterday was a wonderful thing. well, i'm awful grateful to ya, justine. let me just ask you one thing. how do i stack up against phil? you know, how do i stack up where it counts? justine, this is liberta. liberta, this is justine. congratulations, on your expectation. well, i hear senor tuna callin'. no. that just means they got it wrong, is all. they don't know everything. i was just at your house and the mail came. phil was opening letters, and he opened this bill from the credit card company. and f&$%. please don't tell him about us, justine. please. please. i love phil. i love him more than myself. please have mercy on me.