attention, shoppers. there's a retail rodeo special on aisle three. liquid drain cleaner. two 12-ounce cans for $5. liquid drain cleaner has churning power and will churn right through your pipes. ladies, shove something clean and new up your filthy pipes. liquid drain cleaner on aisle three. have a good day and thank you for shopping at retail rodeo. you getting a whole one of these or a half? you didn't bring this into the store? well then, i'll charge you for it. this is a hand lotion. so don't put it anywhere else, even if you need lubrication. we try to keep frivolous lawsuits to a minimum, unless, ofcourse, the customer is at fault. here's your change and fuck you very much. thank you very much. happy halloween retail rodeo shoppers! there's a retail rodeo special on all bulk candy on aisle four. ghouls and goblins, witches and warlocks, wandering these aisles, day after day. i'll put a halloween curse on you. what, you need a ride? sure. sit right down here ma'am, we're gonna make you pretty. now how do you like your hair? no, i just need to know if that's your usual way of wearing it all big and high. if it is then i'll just put more makeup on your chin to off-set. now, you're gonna want to take a whole bottle of this home wtih you. it's got quite alot of ingredients in it so you're getting a good deal. it's got ginco extract in it, do you know what that is? it's extract of the ginco and it makes your skin real slick so that any liquid will roll right off, be it water or lemon juice or urine. i'll put that in a bag for you. i'm just tryin' to match your face with your hair, i was thinkin' you're not white enough. well, the first rule of fashion is that you have to look wierd. what i'm doing here has come straight from france. it's called circ du face, meaning circus of the face and it's all the rage with the frenchies. that's right. what's wrong with you? you look like death. is it your period? this job is stressful. i'm breaking out. maybe you're pregnant. justine, somethin's goin' on. something is definately happening. it's big. it's very big. someone stole fifteen thousand dollars from the safe. they blew the thing open with a gun. not only that but the cops know who did it. somebody who works here. holden, holden did it. fool left his cashier key in the door. they can't find him though. they say he robbed his folks too. you in on it? i know you two played hookie in the store room. i never rat on ya, i've done some things myself. but, still. you in on it? suit yourself. hey justine. i thought we were gonna get a day off and go to the movies. fake eyelashes. extra long. you want me to make the other cheek purple to even it out? d'you hear about corny? he was goin' home after bible study last night and two beefy guys with painted faces pulled up in a truck and jumped him.