hey, justine. can i talk to you for a second? i was just curious. have you ever been to a bible study? we got a good one going on every wednesday at the first church of nazarine. rodney comes, benita comes. you got any interest in reading the bible? we don't preach fire and brimstone. just the ten commandments. were not interested in scaring people. were about loving jesus. well, maybe you'll have nights of eternal hellfire to yourself. just kidding you. drive safe. well i'm not a pagen but thanks all the same. this is for you justine. it's from holden. he's got the day off. he came by this morning with it. don't mention it. hey, gwen. justine! poor lady. she just passed. gwen! she just passed away. it got worse. she was on life support all day. it's god's will, justine. no one can understand it. it was just gwen's time to fly away home. tomorrow night at eight. we'd love to have ya. 'course! a couple that prays together stays together. hi. welcome. hey there people! glad you could make it! y'all are in for a treat. we got a good discussion going tonight. if man is made in god's image, what does that say about god? justine, what happened to you? i looked up and i saw you two drivin' off like vampires in the night. you coulda looked off your neighbor. it's a church, you know. you can't make water without bumpin' your nut on a bible. what in blazes?! justine. can we talk to you for a second? justine, you like workin' at the retail rodeo don't you? like the company, like the people? you wouldn't want to jeopardize that by makin' some silly error in judgement would ya? 'cause we know you're pretty tight with holden. i've seen you in the store room with him justine. on many the occasion. i think you know him pretty well.