on your left, honey. can't say. don't know. yesterday? don't know. can't say. it's called work, princess. kind of fun. you might want to give it a go someday. that's good. justine will be right with you. where is she? you don't get paid to pick your crack. you get paid to work. oh, come on! a little pancake, eyeliner, mascara, rouge on the cheeks and powder it up. then you take a moist tissue, roll it in a ball and toss it in their face! jeez, louise. i'm talking to a tree stump! girl, where are you?! it's the food you eat, justine. look at me. i am 10 years older than you and have 10 times your energy. cause i don't eat meat and i don't eat dairy. it's probably why you can't get pregnant, honey. and why you have that hung-jaw look on your face. it's the cheese in your pizza and the chicken in your salad. then what's the deal here? did he say you get enough vitamins? good as new, i'll tell ya, good as new. well, that'd be a mistake. these are bargain prices. alright, close. all i know is, everyone should have one beau, before anyone has two beaus. night corny. happy halloween. which ankle did you twist, holden? maybe you should put some cold water on it so it doesn't sweel up and inflame. you want a blackberry, honey? a man was sellin' 'em on the road. hey sugar. oh, i had a dream. i had dream that i sprouted a beard made of bean sprouts. okay,you'll meet me inside? okay. your a doll.