catcher in the rye i'm named after it. holden. after holden caulfield. he's the main character. he's put upon by society. hypocrisy of the world. i'm a writer. novels, plays, screenplays, stories, poetry. oh, he has a nervous breakdown. goes to a mental hospital. that makes two of us. maybe you're a maniac. twenty two. how old are you? i don't know. how long you been workin' here for? oh, i live right down the street. you wanna come in? well, i'm not gonna beg ya. i'll be in my room. it's my slave name. holden's what i call myself. this is my room. they're okay. they don't get me. i mean, they're alright. since when do you have a husband? what's he paint? um, i had to drop out. i had a problem with drinkin' and stuff. i'll go back. i just gotta prove to my parents that i can fly staright. you go to college? i twisted up my ankle on the stairs. i was wonderin', maybe you could give me a ride home? alright i'll talk to you about it later. my, uh, left. okay. you said he was a pig. dear justine. because of you i'll be quitting the retail rodeo. the last two days have been the most god-awful days of my life. i've not been able to get rid of you in my head. i never wanted anything so bad, and i have wanted many things. i'd given up long ago on being gotten by someone else, and then you came along. the idea of being gotten, because of circumstance, will never get got is the worst feeling i've ever felt, and i have felt many bad feelings. i'm sorry i can never see you again, justine, forgive me for being so weak, but that is who i am. goodbye, holden wurther. if for some reason, you could change your mind and want to be with me, body and soul, meet me after work. i will be waiting for you at five pm outside chuck e.cheese. if you are not there at five, you will never see me in your lifetime. hey. oh god, i'm really glad you came. oh god, thank god. let's go to my house. let's just park somewhere. look. i don't know. i don't care i just wanna hold you. we'll be back here before you know it. justine. i'm yours. i'm all yours. who cares, i don't care. i crave you. i wanna know everything about you. who are you? i wanna knock open your head and see what's inside. i've had so much pain in my life. i know you have too, i can see it. i just wanna leave some kind of legacy. somethin' great. after that i don't care what happens to me. i would. seee, now that you met me you're mysterious. and dark and twisted. yes, you are. i don't know. i won't let him hurt you. you can't worry about somethin' that hasn't even happened yet. okay. makin' one out of two. justine, will you leave him? away. with you on my arm, my folks'll think i've changed. they'll stop thinkin' i'm suck a loner, i got a girlfriend, a pretty one, who knows me and likes me. and they'll be so happy, they'll give me money to write my novel. we'll be like. catcher in the rye. only by me. i'll be immortal and then like jd salinger i'll just vanish. you want me to help you get stuff out of storage? well, are you gonna give me a ride home? my ankle's actin' up. forget it. well, can't we go to the motel? well, let's go in the store room. what? i thought you said we'd go today. what came up? i'm starting to wonder if you even want to go. i'm startin' to think you don't get me. you do, you do get me you just don't want to me 'cause i'm too intensified for you! justine, who cares, who cares if someone finds out. we don't have to live like this, justine. i know what it's like to go home every night and feel like you're hidin' out. we can leave all this behind. you just, you just gonna give up?! you gonna go crawlin' back?! you're so fucking afraid it makes me sick. don't give up on us. okay. good luck on your important thing. you're a hooker, you hooker. so, how many guys you gettin' with? you gettin' with every guy in the state? i'm so alone! yes, i'm drunk! and i'll be drunk every day until the day i die! what do you care?! you jump on any pecker that's put in front of you! i saw everything. oh god. oh god. where you goin'? what? i can't share you, justine! maybe with one man but not with a whole bunch of 'em! you know, sometimes, i think to myself, at least it can't get any worse. but it can. i can worse. as long as you can say you've hit rock bottom you can. a blind man can go deaf. a widow can lose her children. babies starve and they never get food. they never get any food. they just come into the world and they die. i can't calm down! i'd be easy if i was a hooker like you. i could calm down all over town. i know you're not. i'm in agony. what do you mean 'why'? i thought you hated your life. i'll kill him. i'll murder him in his sleep. i'll kill my parents, i'll steal the money whatever it takes. you just, just whatever you want as long as it's you and me. please don't forsake me justine. we need a plan. we can't keep livin' day to day. we gotta chart a course and we just gotaa stick. but, they're dirty. they're sweet. if i could only get my hands on some money, someone could just tell me the answer. i gotta do. but if i ever do, i end up thinking about it instead. i gotta do. but do what? what? what was that for? hello? it was a wrong number. justine! justine! i did it! i finally did somethin'! oh, who cares? i'm proud of myself. fuck them, fuck all of them! well, we're outta here! justine, i got over twenty thousand dollars! i got a gun, what else?! it's my baby. yes, it is. you know it is. yes, you can. i mean, you can't raise a baby here. you know that. justine. you hate your husband. you hate your job. you love me, so let's go. well, then tomorrow. i'll go to the motel and wait for you. just be there by noon. justine, what have you got to lose? so be there by noon. i love you, justine. this is all gonna work out. i know it. i almost forgot. this is a story of your life. you inspired me.