justine? justine what's goin' on in here? gwen, you sick? we gotta get her to a hospital. justine you drive her. it's aquarter to five. why, you gotta be somewhere? justine? what happened to you? i went down to st. catherine's to check up on gwen. i looked all over for you, she was askin' for you. she was heavin' up until there was nothin' left to heave. doctor said she must've eaten somethin' with some kind of parasite in it or somethin'. they're gonna keep her in there until she gets better so you're gonna have to supervise cosmetics. retail rodeo employees this is jack fields, your store manager. before we open today, i just want to share some terrible and shocking news. one of our best employees, gwen jackson, died yesterday. gwen was a real class act. she had a good attitude, she had ideas. we're all gonna miss her. now, if any of y'all need to collect you thoughts and remember gwen. gwen, then today's the day. you'll be excused from work and we'll just have to do without you. gwen, this one's for you. hey justine. how you holding up? real shocker. i decided to move cheryl over to cosmetics. she got a little too creative on the p.a. maybe she'll watch her p's and q's over here. if not she's out on her but. now you listen to justine, sister. well aren't you a fright? justine, you talked to holden lately? he didn't show up for work today, i wanna know what gives. i know you two are friends. you eat lunch together every day. well, if you see him, tell him jack fields is lookin' for him. either of you seen holden? boy is out on his ass! hi, justine. go ahead and have a seat. holden stole fifteen thousand dollars from the safe last night. did you have anything to do with it? holden? you done good. you're a good girl. attention retail rodeo employees this is jack fields, your store manager. as most of you all know by now, we lost another employee yesterday. holden was a thief and a disturbed young man, and what happened was a sad thing. perhaps we can learn a lesson from this tragedy, like don't steal and don't be disturbed. the important is to move on. like dozens of those who quit. this one's for you holden.