hey, teeny. how was your day? paint stings. feel like i've been attacked by hornets in my eyeballs. i think we got most of it out. like what? it's the wind doing that. they the wind's coming in different lately. you could make paint where, at different angles, the house is different colours. you stand at the front door and the house is red. you stand at the street and the house is green. or you could make, like, an invisible paint. make the whole house disappear. what do you think, teeny? teeny, you're pretty. bubba, isn't teeny pretty? i wonder what it'd be like to be a woman. all that smooth skin and long hair. lowers it to where? i was thinking about what you were sayin' about my sperm bein' low. i mean, i know i got good sperm. it's baby-makin sperm. i suppose it couldn't hurt to have it confirmed by an expert. what the hell? hey. were you been? did she sick up on you? did she sick up on anybody? what? are you kiddin? what for? you okay? paintin' on bovery. why? we knocked off early 'bout four. bubba had a date with a stewardess, why? don't say that, teeny. 'course you were. 'course you were. hey, teeny. we've been up to no good. we got the day off on account of the rain. oh, i wish it would rain every day from here on out. never have to paint again. what's this? not very light is it? i heard it was the couple that lays together stays together. i completely didn't remember. hey. where's bubba? well, i'm ready. let's go. i don't know what to say about jesus. i'm stoned. jeez. we forgot the bibles, justine. yeah, that sounds like a good one. what? what's goin' on? what the hell? why not? justine, this is embarassing. we're runnin' away from bible study like a couple of devil worshippers. you are freakin' me out, man. why? you just said a few minutes ago they'll forgive us. i'm never goin' back to bible study again. i'm nervous. 'cause i gotta go to that doctor tomorrow and jism into a cup, that's why. what if i can't do it? you know, if you said you'd help me i'd feel alot less nervous. it's gonna be on your lunch hour anyway. you didn't even say nothing about the tv bein' fixed. you're welcome. wish me luck. who's there? c'mon. i can't do this on my own. i need help. not in a place like this! not where i have to hand over the results! just, let me hold your boob. what are you doin' in here? what's that? why you takin' it? what's it say? i wanna be here when you find out. the little plastic doohickey's turnin' blue. what's that mean? bright blue. alright! i knew it. waste of time going to that sperm doctor. we did it. we're gonna have ourselves a baby. and tomorrow, we're gonna celebrate at senor tuna. yes we are. i'm gonna bring bubba. you can bring some of your friends from work. or bible study guy. whoever. too bad gwen's dead. let's do it mellow then. you sure don't seem too excited. don't think negative. think positive. we could have ourselves a tiny phil. or a tiny teeny. teeny's gonna have a tiny weeny teeny. what do you mean? everything's gonna change. what do ya mean? hey teeny! we were gettin' worried about ya! doesn't matter. as long as it plays quarterback for the cowboys. hello. yeah. well, that's not right. what's that supposed to mean? hey look. no. you don't know shit okay. justine's pregnant. you got that? well, look you better check your records again, pal, then call me! some doctor says my sperm's no good. does that mean justine's not pregnant? looks like that wind's pickin' up again. hey. what's going on in the bedroom? looks like a twister hit it. i thought we were robbed. why aren't you at work? retail rodeo? you know that guy? have you been sleepin' around behind my back? i said, have you been sleepin' around behind my back? why? why? don't you love me? don't you love me at all? oh god. please don't tell me it's not my baby. are you sure? who is he? yes, it does. was it some guy from work? yeah, i know who it was. it was that bible guy, wasn't it? the nazarine. that's why you were actin' so spooked. i'm gonna beat his ass. you're gettin' all swollen. i'm sorry i hit you, baby. i need to get stoned. i just gotta escape, you know. you ever feel like that? like you gotta escape?