sean's office is comfortable. books are stacked against the wall. there is a painting on the wall behind sean. sean is seated behind a desk. lambeau sits in a chair in the back of the room, next to tom. a long beat passes, they wait. sean stands behind his desk in his office, still very much on edge. lambeau walks in. will strolls into the office. sean is waiting there behind his desk. he seems different. more calm. will and sean stare at each other for a long moment. will sits across from sean completely silent and takes out a pack of cigarettes. will and sean sit in silence. a long moment passes. sean casually reclines in his chair, disinterested. will restlessly looks around the room and then back to sean. an odd half smile crosses sean's face. after a moment: sean and will in session. lambeau is scribbling away at work. tom is taking notes. will is tapping his fingers, waiting for him to finish. lambeau and tom are in his office. will is nowhere to be seen. lambeau stands across from sean, seething. will sits across from sean. sean is packing his office. lambeau opens the door.