mr. simmons, officer mcneely who signed the complaint isn't in my courtroom. why is that? son, my turn. june, '93, assault, sept. '93 assault. grand theft auto february where, apparently, you defended yourself and had the case thrown out by citing "free property rights of horse and carriage" from 1798. march, '94 public drunkenness, public nudity, assault. 10. 94 mayhem. november '94, assault. jan. '95 impersonating a police officer, mayhem, theft, resisting -- overturned-- you're in my courtroom, now and i am aware of your priors. i'm also aware that you're an orphan. you've been through several foster homes. the state removed you from three because of serious physical abuse. another judge might care. you hit a cop, you go in. motion to dismiss denied. keep workin' on your arguments, son. a word of advice for trial; speak english. oh. pleased to meet you.