--that isn't funny-- you guys are fuckin' sick. jesus. will! yah, that is a nice ass. that fuckin' guinea, will knows him. fuck this, let's get something to eat. fuck her. let's hit "kelly's." what else we gonna do we can't spare fifteen minutes? she's not stupid. double burger. double burger. i, i had a kelly's double burger. so why don't you give me my sandwich? yah, all right. i told you, i just got change. why you gotta be an asshole chuckie? did she get my double burger? i don't got a crush on her. come on, will. no, why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? i'm not goin' now, i'm eatin' my snack. i'm serious chuckie, i ain't goin'. what happened? you got fired, huh? how fuckin' retarded do you have to be to get shit-canned from that job? how hard is it to push a fuckin' broom? yah, that was different. management was restructurin'-- fuck you, you fat fuck. what the fuck? i just asked you for a job yesterday! my boy's wicked smart. there goes that fuckin' barney right now, with his fuckin' "skiin' trip." we should'a kicked that dude's ass. suck my cock! fuck your mother too! what are you, retarded? you went all the way out there in the rain and you didn't have the number? why don't we get off mothers, i just got off yours. keep fuckin' with me. watch what happens. watch what happens. will, i can't believe you brought skylar here when we're all wrecked. what's she gonna think about us? oh great, tell her that! now she really thinks we're problem drinkers! some other guy? holy shit. did your uncle get arrested? i'm irish. chuck, let's go. what's up guys? i don't have a vcr at my house. save it for your mother, funny guy. we heard it before. what'd you say about me? you thought we forgot, didn't you? i know i'm gettin' my licks in. no i didn't. fuck you, i did the body work. whose fuckin' router you think sanded out all that bondo? had one, now i'm fucked again.