now you know will, and i know, what you need to be doing. you have a gift. you have a quality -- something you were born with, that you have no control over -- and you are, in a sense, hiding that by becoming a janitor. and i'm not saying that's wrong. i'm friends with the janitor that works in my building. he's been to my house for dinner. as a matter of fact i did some free consultation for "mike" -- that's not his real name. that's in my book. yes. the pressures you feel, and again, i am neither labeling nor judging them, are keeping you from fulfilling your potential -- you're in a rut. so stop the tom foolery -- the shenanigan's, will. will, your not getting off that easy. like what, will? what places? i might understand that. what? that's very presumptuous. well, i'm sorry to disappoint you, but i'm married and i have two children. you're getting defensive, will. who is "danny terrio?" well, i can see this is pointless. no. you know what, gerry? this is why i don't do pro-bono anymore. it's not worth it to me. i don't have the time. i'm going on national television this week.