okay. what class? oh. you suck. i've been sitting over there for forty-five minutes waiting for you to come talk to me. but i'm just tired now and i have to go home and i wasn't going to keep sitting there waiting for you. skylar. and by the way. that guy over there is a real dick and i just wanted you to know he didn't come with us. well, look, i have to go. gotta' get up early and waste some more money on my overpriced education. here's my number. maybe we could go out for coffee sometime? what? okay, sounds good. what? see, it's my life story. five more minutes and i would have got to hear your best pick-up line. glad i came over. yeah? i'm sorry, i don't recall meeting anyone who fits that description. oh will! i was wondering when you'd call. sounds good, where are you now? i don't know, it was just kind of the boring suburban thing. private school, harvard, and now med. school. i actually figured out that at the end of it, my brain will be worth a quarter of a million dollars. i shouldn't have told you that. i was happy to pay. i inherited the money. stanford. i'm leaving in june after i graduate. well, i'm gonna experiment on you for my anatomy class, then go. sure. okay. have you ever seen annie hall? well, there's this part of the movie that's about how there's always this tension on a first date where both people are thinking about what's going to happen with the whole 'good night kiss' thing. you know what i mean. i know you've at least thought about it. yes you have. you were thinking you were gonna get a good night kiss. yes you were. oh, you will? then why don't we just get it out of the way. yeah. that had to be the worst good night kiss. free? you grew up around here? how was that? i bet you have a great family. you have a lot of brothers and sisters? yeah. how many? what, five? seven? come on. not a chance. bullshit. your house must have been a zoo. do you know all their names? well. do you keep in touch with them? i want to meet them. hello? where have you been? you were busy? you know, i really was waiting for you to call me. you should have called. i have an "o- chem" lab due tomorrow and it's impossible. it's not an excuse dummy. i want to go out with you. but look: tomorrow? if you bring the caramels. how the hell did you do that? i'm supposed to understand this. no. why do we always stay here? i've never seen your place. what about your friends? or your brothers? when do i get to meet them? i think i can make it to south boston. is it me you're hiding from them or the other way around? when? what if i said i wouldn't sleep with you again until you let me meet your friends? you men are shameful. if you're not thinking of your wiener then you're acting on its behalf. there was this irish guy, walking down the beach one day. and he comes across a bottle, and this genie pops out. the genie turns to the irishman and says -- "you've released me from my prison, so i'll grant you three wishes." the irish guy thinks for a minute and says "what i really want is a pint of guiness that never empties." and -- poof! a bottle appears. he slams it down, and -- lo and behold -- it fills back up again. well, the irish guy can't believe it. he drinks it again, and again -- boom! it fills back up. so, while the irish guy is marveling at his good fortune, the genie is getting impatient, because it's hot and he wants to get on with his freedom. he says "let's go, you have two more wishes." the irish guy slams his drink again, it fills back up, he's still amazed. the genie can't take it anymore. he says "buddy, i'm boiling out here. what are your other two wishes?" the irish guy looks at his drink, looks at the genie and says. "i guess i'll have two more of these." see ya' chuckie. i had fun. i thought you said you'd show me your place. i wanted to meet your brothers. fine. no. it's important that i learn this. clearly. rich? i have an inheritance. it's two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. that's exactly what it'll cost me, minus about five hundred bucks, to go all the way through med school. this is what i'm doing with that money. i could have done anything i wanted. i could have expanded my wardrobe, substantially. no, so i can be a doctor. all right, mr. nosey parker. let me ask you a question? do you have a photographic memory? have you ever studied organic chemistry? just for fun? nobody does organic chemistry for "fun." it's unnecessary. especially for someone like you. yeah. someone like you who divides his time, fairly evenly, between the batting cages and bars. how did you do that? i can't. i mean even the smartest people i know, and we do have a few at harvard, have to study- a lot. it's hard. listen, will, if you don't want to tell me-- come one will. i just want to know. i see "hot cross buns," but okay. so, do you play the piano? but you can do my o-chem lab in under an hour, you can-- i can't believe it's taken me four years to meet you and i'm going to california in two months, will. have you ever been to california? i bet you'd like it. maybe not. hi. good. you were the only sullivan in the phone book. will and i dropped you off here, remember? this is your house, right? i guess so. is this a bad time? okay. see, now this doesn't feel right. when i made the decision to come over here it felt right. i had all these rationalizations. i just don't understand why will never tells me anything, he won't let me get close to him, he tells me these weird lies-- i just wanted to find out what was going on. but now that i'm here it seems strange, doesn't it? i don't care what his family's like or if he doesn't have any brothers, but he doesn't have to lie to me. is that true? will? are you awake? come with me to california. i want you to come with me. i know. i just do. i don't know. i just feel it. yeah, i'm sure. "take-back?" what is that? i don't want a take-back. i want you to come to california with me. why not? look, will if you're not in love with me, you can say that. then what are you afraid of? why won't you come with me? what are you so scared of? well, what aren't you scared of? you live in your safe little world where nobody challenges you and you're scared shitless to do anything else-- is that what you think-- i inherited that money when i was thirteen, when my father died. fuck you! you think i want this? that money's a burden to me. every day i wake up and i wish i could give that back. i'd give everything i have back to spend one more day with my father. but that's life. and i deal with it. so don't put that shit on me. you're the one that's afraid. you're afraid of me. you're afraid that i won't love you back. and guess what? i'm afraid too. but at least i have the balls to it give it a shot. at least i'm honest with you. what about your twelve brothers? yes, will. i didn't even know that? yes, i do, will. yes i do. did you ever think that maybe i could help you? that maybe that's the point, that we're a team? i don't want to "save" you. i just want to be with you. i love you. i love you! you know what i want to hear? i want to hear that you don't love me. if you tell me that, then i'll leave you alone. i won't ask any questions and i won't be in your life. i never cared about that. i love you, will. no take-backs. will? goodbye.