is okay, she's okay -- she don't mean nothing. irene, she's okay. pobrecita, la infeliz. it's a misunderstanding. pobrecita. i was only trying to help her -- it's gonna be an interesting night. how are we doing today? that term again, "we." doctor-speak. miranda doesn't have the energy for it: the spirit is not fine. she's very unhappy. what was that? normally miranda would look at this woman as if she were crazy, but things have changed. but she's only a girl. do you know her name? have you talked to her? she's very, very angry. and she's not finished with you yet. she wants to show you something. then you need to protect yourself. mira, first i'm gonna bring you some cascarilla, it's a powder, you get it anyplace, it comes from eggs -- you pour it all over you -- like this -- she made you do things. bad things, didn't she? and you carried this out for her. she used you as a vessel. consuelo's grip tightens on miranda as we -- you were possessed by her. ay, probrecita. you're both in terrible danger. she's scared too but she can't step back into the light until she finishes what she started here. and now you're the only person who can help her find the way back. despair is the only unforgivable sin. you'll be in my prayers, miranda. prayers? what good is that going to do? consuelo exits.