mallorol, matzine, megaphen, meallaril-s, meleretten, meleril, mellaril, mellaril-s, mesoridazine, methotrimaprazine, mixidol, moban modalina -- trade name for triflupoerazine. look it up. chloe shrugs, if you say so. jenna resumes: moditen, molindone, moltipress, motival. that's it for the 'm's. trick question. there's only jatroneural. bet you a soda. chloe checks a reference book. nods, impressed. you a marlboro girl? miranda sees jenna looming above her, shielding the sun. all we have is our health, cupcake. what i do is quit constantly, start again. drives them all crazy. one day i quit three times. they allow me one match at a time and pretend they're not watching. check it out: salivating goon number one at three o'clock, oh- so-inconspicuous goon number two at five o'clock. miranda follows jenna's gaze. sure enough, she's being closely watched by two orderlies. very perceptive, doc. i burnt down the building where i worked. i found a baby at the doorstep, called the cops -- of course the bottom feeding pricks never showed. it's beside the point, really. miranda shrugs. god knows what jenna is talking about but who is she to say? once again, miranda checks the building entrance and now sees parsons emerge. she rises -- heard stranger. but she's a case. you narced her out, didn't you? boo-hoo. bet you were a little buzzed yourself. miranda's gaze strays from this, um, most compelling of conversations and comes to rest on chloe. alone at another table. heavily sedated. a wreck. miranda rises and walks over. shelley waits until she's out of hearing range, leans in to jenna -- what are you talking about? what work? give me a break. you wouldn't respect me if i hadn't tried -- parsons breaks away from turlington, heads over to pete and miranda --