howdy there. he says this while already strolling over. miranda's mind races a mile a minute -- everything okay? that your vehicle, ma'am? she stares at the young, friendly cop. his left hand resting on his belt. right next to his gun. but it seems as if he has no idea who she is. at least not yet. congratulations. but i'm afraid this is private property -- you can't just waltz on in. you understand that. she nods, nerves shot to hell. starts walking. holy shit. lady, stay right where you are. miranda shuts her eyes, busted. freezes. hands up where i can see them. miranda awkwardly raises her shaky hands. nice and slow, start talking to me. and make it good. tell me just exactly who that is. a confused miranda slowly turns in the direction he's looking to see tracy seaver at the barn door. dragging herself in agony, clearly in a severe state of shock. battered, yet somehow -- incredibly -- still alive. but just barely. we're here on miranda grey detail. the guards shake their heads, chuckle. thanks, guys. the guard points at the bank of monitors. looks perfectly harmless, doesn't she? officer turlington, ma'am. we're supposed to sit outside miranda grey's cell all night. sorry, we thought you might have made a run for it. one of your patients is holding the sheriff at gunpoint. she's in the cafeteria. pete glances at miranda. she knows exactly who it is: sir, not now -- sir, please -- sheriff ryan? no sight of the man. that's odd. maybe he's in the bathroom. turlington heads in that direction. sheriff? nobody. he notices the back window is open because raindrops are blown in by the wind. he looks out to the parking lot for a moment before shutting it. help you, gentlemen? you know full well you're not allowed to see -- teddy howard slaps an official-looking document on him. sheriff ryan isn't here. his car is gone too. jesus h. christ. teddy howard has to look away. pete places his hand on parsons' shoulder. parsons simply glares at the dead man, eyes filled with hatred. no sign of miranda anywhere. vanished. like houdini.