- worried? about what? what about it? to be what? no! no - we're just on our way downstairs! they are? come on. it's a wonderful thing to have so many devoted friends. that's ben's graduation present. hey, over there -- i mean you! your attention please! are you ready in there, feature attraction? - what was i saying? right. hey - i'm glad to see you're paying attention. a feature attraction that will be one of the most astounding events ever to take place in this particular backyard. now i'm going to ask for a big round of applause to bring this boy out here - wait a minute - let me amend that - to bring this young man out here - because today he is twenty-one-years- old - just hang on a minute because i have a few words to say - twenty-one-years-old, ladies and gentlemen; four of those years spent accomplishing some rather extraordinary things at one of our nation's leading seats of learning - i can't hold them much longer, ben. you better get out here. this boy - i'm sorry - this young man - is soon to continue his education as a frank halping- ham award scholar - but before he does - - before he does - you're disappointing them, ben. you're disappointing them. i'll give you ten seconds. he is going to give us a practical demonstration of what i feel safe in saying is a pretty exciting birthday present - and it better work or i'm out over two hundred bucks - so let's hear it for - - benjamin braddock! folks - this remarkable young man is going to perform for you some spectacular and amazing feats of daring in water that is over six feet deep - why? have you thought about graduate school? would you mind telling me then - what were those four years of college for? what was the point of all that hard work? now listen, ben. i think it's a very good thing that a young man - after he's done some very good work - should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself, and lie around, and drink beer and so on. but after a few weeks i believe that person would want to take some stock in him- self and his situation and start to think about getting off his ass. elaine's back from school. i think it might be a nice gesture if you asked her out. i guess she's not good enough for you, is that it? how do you know? you haven't seen her since high school. i guess your evenings, whatever you do with them, are just too valuable. i guess i'll just tell mr. robinson that you're just too busy every evening - doing god knows what - say that again. well - well - well - ben says he and elaine are getting married. that what he says. right? come on, let's call the robinsons. we've got something to celebrate. wait a minute. you talked to elaine this morning? she doesn't know that you're coming up to berkeley? ben - this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked.