swell. i appreciate it. standing guard over the old castle, are you? here. it looks like you need a refill. what? is anything wrong? you look a little shaken up. come on. let's have a nightcap together. ben - how old are you now? that's a hell of a good age to be. i wish i was that age again. because, ben - you'll never be young again. ben, can i say something to you? how long have we known each other now? how long have you and i known each other? how long have your dad and i been partners? i've watched you grow up, ben. in many ways i feel as though you were my own son. so i hope you won't mind my giving you a friendly piece of advice. ben - i think - i think you ought to be taking it a little easier right now than you seem to. sow a few wild oats. take things as they come. have a good time with the girls and so forth. i was just telling ben here he ought to sow a few wild oats. have a good time while he can. you think that's sound advice? you have yourself a few flings this summer. i bet you're quite a ladies' man. what? you look like the kind of guy that has to fight them off. doesn't he look to you like the kind of guy who has to fight them off? oh say - elaine gets down from berkeley on saturday. ben - i want you to give her a call. great. hi, ben. what are you doing with yourself these days? that's what i'd do if i could. nothing wrong with that. hey ben, elaine's coming down from berkeley soon. i want you to call her up this time. because i just think you two would hit it off real well together. well, braddock - it's about time you got around to this. come on in. i'm afraid the young lady isn't quite ready yet - what would you say to a short one? bourbon still your drink? i'll see if she's ready. do you want - do you want to try and tell me why you did it? do you have a special grudge against me? do you feel a particularly strong resentment for me? is there something i've said that's caused this contempt? or is it just the things i stand for that you despise? well, ben, it was quite a bit to do with me. ben, i think we're two civilized human beings. do you think it's necessary to threaten each other? do you want to unclench your fists, please? thank you. i can see in the dark, you know. i've been here quite a while. you don't respect me terribly much either, do you? well, i don't think we have a whole lot to say to each other, ben. i do think you should know the consequences of what you've done. i do think you should know that my wife and i are getting a divorce soon. why? that's quite a statement. shaking hands. well, that's not saying much for my wife, is it? don't shout at me, ben. well - i'm sure you think you do, ben, but after a few times in bed with elaine i feel quite sure you'd get over that as quickly as you - i think i've talked about this enough. i don't know how far i can go, ben. i don't know if i can prosecute or not, but i think maybe i can. in the light of what's happened i think maybe i can get you behind bars if you ever look at my daughter again. i have seen elaine and i have spent the afternoon taking steps to insure. stay away from me, ben! i don't want to mince words with you. as far as elaine's concerned you're to get her out of your filthy mind right now. is that perfectly clear ro you? that's all, ben. you'll pardon me if i don't shake hands with you. i think you are filth. i think you are scum. you are a degenerate! i'll take care of him.