oh. i guess this isn't the bathroom, is it? how are you, benjamin? is there an ashtray in here? oh - i forgot. the track star doesn't smoke. is it a girl? whatever it is you're upset about. in general. benjamin, i want to ask you something. will you take me home? my husband took the car. will you drive me home? no. (as she passes the thank you. will you come in, please? i want you to come in till i get the lights on. because i don't feel safe until i get the lights on. would you mind walking ahead of me to the sun porch. i feel funny about coming into a dark house. please. what do you drink? bourbon? what do you drink? benjamin - i'm sorry to be this way, but i don't want to be alone in this house. please wait till my husband gets home. i don't know. drink? yes. i'm very nuerotic. may i ask you a question? what do you think of me? you've known me nearly all of your life. you must have formed some opinion. did you know i was an alcoholic? did you know that? sit down, benjamin. no. my husband will be back quite late. he should be gone for several hours. pardon? what's wrong? what? like what? well i don't know. so? why no. i hadn't thought of it. i feel rather flattered that you - it's all right. sit down. all right. now finish your drink. we'll forget it right now. finish your drink. have you ever seen elaine's portrait? yes. we had it done last christmas. would you like to see it? benjamin? will you unzip my dress? i think i'll go to bed. won't you unzip my dress? if you still think i'm trying to seduce you - benjamin - you've known me all your life. come on. it's hard for me to reach. thank you. what are you so scared of? then why do you keep running away? haven't you ever seen anybody in a slip before? what if he did? don't you think he trusts us together? i don't see why. i'm twice as old as you are. how could anyone think - benjamin - i'm not trying to seduce you. i wish you'd - why is it? would you like me to seduce you? is that what you're trying to tell me? i really don't want to put this on again. won't you bring it up? on that chair in the hall. don't be nervous. i want to say something first. benjamin - i want you to know i'm available to you. if you won't sleep with me this time - if you won't sleep with me this time, benjamin, i want you to know you can call me up any time you want and we'll make some kind of arrangement. do you understand what i said? because i find you very attractive and any time - don't get up. yes, i do. yes, he does. benjamin? thank you for taking me home. i'll see you soon, i hope. hello, benjamin. may i sit down? thank you. how are you? may i have a drink? waiter! i will have a martini. you don't have to be so nervous, you know. did you get us a room? have you gotten us a room yet? do you want to? do you want me to get it? do you want to get it now? yes. why don't you get it. yes? thank you. hello. yes? yes? benjamin -- where are you? yes, i can. that's fine. well - do you want to go up first? i'll be up in five minutes. benjamin. isn't there something you want to tell me? yes. the number. the room number, benjamin. i think you ought to tell me that. thank you. well? benjamin. i'll get undressed now. is that all right? why don't you watch? will you bring me a hanger? a hanger. what? either one will be fine. will you help me with this, please? thank you. would this be easier for you in the dark? you what? benjamin - do you find me undesirable? are you afraid of me? benjamin, is this your first time? it is, isn't it? it is your first time. you can admit that, can't you? it's nothing to be ashamed of - on your first time - that you're afraid - - of bring - inadequate - i mean just because you happen to be inadequate in one way - hello, benjamin. if you want. well i just don't think we have much to say to each other. are you tired of it? well what do you want to talk about? do you want to tell me about some of your college experiences? well? how about art. you start it off. i don't know anything about it. don't you? go ahead then. neither. no. i don't. can i take off my clothes now? do you really want me to? i got up. do you want to hear it or not? i got up. i ate breakfast and went shopping. during the after- noon i read a novel. what? i don't remember. then i fixed supper for my husband and waited until - what? him? there isn't any. i walk out. he's asleep. benjamin, this isn't a very interesting topic. because he takes sleeping pills. he takes three sleeping pills every night at ten o'clock. the driveway's on my side of the house. what? calm down, benjamin. can i undress and talk at the same time? thank you. we don't. no we don't. about five years. no. now and then. he geats drunk a few times a year. on new year's eve. sometimes on his birthday. is it? we've talked enough, benjamin. not exactly. no, benjamin. i don't hate him. unhook my blouse. i don't. is it? no. i never did, benjamin. now let's - see if you can guess. think real hard, benjamin. don't tell elaine. are you shocked? all right. now let's get to bed. what? not particularly. yes. yes. why are you asking me all this? art. kind of. how do you think. benjamin, what does it possibly matter? we'd go to his car. i don't think we were the first. what? oh my god. it was a ford, benjamin. that's enough. don't talk about elaine. no. because i don't want you to. there's nothing to tell. benjamin, don't you ever take that girl out. do you understand that? good. good. i have my reasons. no. let's drop it. benjamin? yes. i wouldn't know. you're not. i see. are you? that's how you feel about me. that i'm a sick and disgusting person. what? don't you expect me to be a little hurt? did i say that? benjamin, i want to apologize to you if that's the impression you got. i didn't mean it. i don't think you'd be right for each other. but i would never say you weren't as good a person as she is. of course i wouldn't. well it's pretty obvious you don't want me around any more. if that's how you feel - that's all right. i think i can understand why i'm disgusting to you. but if it's sickening for you - you don't have to say that. may i stay then? thank you. but you won't ever take out elaine, will you? i want you to promise me that. then give me your word you won't. promise me, benjamin. thank you. benjamin - benjamin -- i thought i made elaine's voice myself perfectly clear about daddy - can you fix this? this. the clasp is broken i think. but i am. i'm extremely upset about it, benjamin. drive down the block. do exactly what i say. listen to me very carefully, benjamin. you are not to see elaine again. ever. those are my orders. is that clear? i can makes things quite unpleasant. in order to keep elaine away from you - i am prepared to tell her everything. then you'd better start believing me. go home now. try me. goodbye, benjamin. hello, benjamin. hello. get me the police, please. i'll be with you in a moment, benjamin. will you send a police car to twelve hundred glenview road. we have a burgler here. just a second. i'll ask him. are you armed? no - i don't believe he is. thank you. i think we have everything quite under control now, benjamin. would you like a quick drink before you go? i'm sorry we won't be able to invite you to the wedding, benjamin, but the arrangements have been so rushed - ahh. i don't think you'll have time for that drink after all. i don't think so. he's too late. elaine - it's too late.