there, you look like a human being again. you shouldn't wait so long between haircuts, you cheap bastard. that'll be ten dollars, walt. it's been ten bucks for the last five years and you know it, you thick-skulled, old pollack son of a bitch. see you in three weeks, you prick. oh great, a pollack and a chink. walt, you cheap asshole, i should have known you'd come in, i was having such a pleasant day. who's the nip? what, do you have shit in your ears? get outta my shop before i blow your head off, you long-haired faggy little gook! tao is terrified, frozen stiff. walt and the barber throw their heads back and laugh. the barber lowers the shotgun. kid, you shoulda just started with hi' or hello.' yeah. be polite, but don't kiss ass. right. son of a bitch, i just got my brakes fixed and those sons a bitches really nailed me. screwed me right in the ass. or, my old lady bitches to me for two fucking hours about how they don't take expired coupons at the grocery store and the minute i turn on the goddamned game, she starts crying how we never talk. sweet jesus, i shoulda blown his head off when i had the chance. there, all done. ten bucks american. you? a straight shave? you've never ordered a straight shave, ever. no, no. that's fine. let me heat up a towel. walt hands martin the barber a twenty.