yes you. at least he didn't say anything this time. well, what do you expect? the man worked at a ford plant for twenty- eight years. here's one from me. karen slides over a another wrapped gift. walt opens it. it's a phone with really big numbers for old people. it's a phone. i just thought. we thought that it would. make things easier. there's nothing wrong with making things less hard on yourself. there's these great places now, these communities where you don't have to worry about mowing the lawn or shoveling snow. people who are like you, alert, active, but are alone and would benefit by being with other folks their own age. i know, you were right. well, we tried. now we can just drop it. no one can say we didn't try. well, pick it up. mitch? he's your father. ashley hands him the phone and he pushes the talk button. see you later, i'm taking the kids to the mall. mitch never looks up from the tv. i will. we hear karen and the kids exit.