you sure about that, spider? your cousin tight with anyone? okay. let's go help out our little cousin. smokie nods to spider, they roar up and stop right across from tao and the latinos' car. you better not be giving my bro here a hard time or you're gonna wish you never been born. where the fuck does he think he's going? turn us around and go after that cousin of yours. they swing a u-turn and pull up to tao, keeping pace with him as he walks. you think about it and we'll see you tomorrow. spider, who's the other cousin? sue laughs at the name spider. sue is seventeen, has long straight hair with red highlights. hey, sue. how old are you, girl? that's exactly the point, tao. spider told me how everyone thinks you're a pushover, how everybody walks all over you and shit. i mean, look at you, out here working in the garden like a woman. tao nods silently, but still looks at the ground. it ain't no big thing. you just need a little guidance. tao looks up at smokie. tao looks a little skeptical. it's true, man. shit, i used to be kind of a quiet little punk like you, everybody fucking with me. but finally i said no more.' you, you're lucky, tao, we got your back. me? i didn't have nobody. had to mold my own tribe. i swear, brother, we're the best friends you'll ever have. and anyone fucks with you, they're fucked. spider mentioned that neighbor of yours. now that's a car. get in, tao. don't fool yourself, tao. you don't join us and bail. dumb motherfucker. naw, he's got nowhere to go. let's get out of here. we're giving you another shot. you blew it the first time. we've got another little inauguration planned for you. this time there'll be no mistakes. i got my eye on you too, little girl. come on, tao. let's go. tao says nothing. he looks at the ground. come on, man. nobody's gonna get hurt. we'll take care of you. you mind your own business, girl. two hmong gangbangers grab tao by the arms. the front door swings open and there stands a glaring phong. that old woman's got bigger balls than you. you always let little girls and old ladies fight for you? tao tries to squirm away. smokie grabs him by the hair and opens his coat to reveal the pistol in his belt. i'm not gonna say it again. let's go. now. tao is shoved towards the car. suddenly -- sue jumps on the back of one of the gangbangers and knocks him to the ground. tao breaks free. listen, old man, you don't want. are you fucking crazy? go back in your house, old man. i'm not fucking around, gramps. walt spits out the side of his mouth. he grins. i'm not gonna warn you again! walt laughs. you better watch yourself, old man. the honda screeches its tires and goes off down the street. walt looks at tao, sue, mom and grandma who stand in stunned silence in his front yard. a pause. finally, sue speaks up. jesus christ, tao. what do you think? i've been sooooo easy on you, but i can't just go on like nothing happened. afraid not. the gangbangers grab tao. tao kicks and struggles as they yank away his tool belt. your stuff? you and everything you have is mine. i own you. smokie pulls the tape measure off the belt and smashes it against the pavement. whatever tools smokie can't destroy, he tosses onto the roof of the closest building. you can't just walk away from us, tao. it looks bad. it makes me look bad. smokie lights a cigarette and exhales. what's the phrase i'm looking for? oh yeah, i need to save face.' smokie grabs tao by the neck and presses the lit cigarette into tao's cheek. tao screams as his flesh burns. what the hell did. how the fuck did you get here?! what do you want? walt kicks him a second time. i wasn't sure that you'd. where's tao, old man? he too scared to come and stick up for himself?