hey, girl, you come over here and talk to me. come on, baby, don't be shy. trey and sue move as far over on the sidewalk as they can to avoid the black guys. they try to ignore them. come on, sweetie, don't be like that. you talk to me, don't be all stuck up and shit. what are you sposed to be? trey puts up his hand to hi-five. the tall black guy just looks at him. what the fuck are you doing in my neighborhood, boy? what you call me, you fucking with me, bitch? you think you're funny? i'm warning you, boy. what you all come up in here for? you here to bring me this present? this oriental yummy for me? don't worry, i'll take good care of her. what's your name, girl? you should keep your bitch on a leash, put a choke chain on this whore and yank. you think you're pretty funny, don't you? you don't know when to quit. the old, black pickup pulls up and stops next to them. sue, trey and the black guys look over. walt sits behind the wheel, he looks right through the tall black guy. what the fuck you looking at, old man? why don't you get the fuck out of here, while i'll still let you. what?! are you fucking crazy? you are fucking crazy. fuck this guy. he ain't worth it. the trio walks slowly across the street, forcing a car to miss a green light. trey puts his hand out to shake walt's.