baron gaigern speaking. yes, baron gaigern himself. where are you?,. good. no -- first, i need money. i need it right now. i have to make a showing. that's my business. i hope to do it tonight. at the theatre or after the show. but money -- for the hotel bill, for tips. i don't need advice, i need money!. now, listen. dangerous?. that's my business. i'll do it tonight -- . i'll do it alone. good little girl -- nice ones? good evening. will you send these up to madam grusinskaya? have you my tickets for the theatre? charge them. good evening, mr. pimenov. how's the beautiful lady? certainly -- always when grusinskaya dances. i thought she was splendid! it's always so quiet here. my dear sir, i would gladly change rooms with you. the war. yes -- he always seems to be waiting for something -- and nothing ever comes. yes, i was in the war. not at all, sir. i'm baron von gaigern. and this is doctor otternschlag. no -- i told you not to come in this lobby. i've told you a hundred times not to speak to me with a cigarette in your mouth. not now. like dancing? never? yes, i am rather. he must be very nice. whoever is keeping you waiting. oh, my large and noisy neighbor -- really? that? you? oh! oh. poor child. if you were free, i'd ask you to come and have some tea -- but -- reducing? lord no -- charming -- but why one meal a day? yes -- yes indeed -- but you are a. . a stenographer. don't little stenographers earn little pennies? too bad. poor child -- i wish i were free tonight -- we could -- what? unfortunately no -- to bad -- tomorrow though. shall we say five o'clock -- downstairs? yellow room where they dance -- yes? -- tomorrow? really? we'll dance. asleep? -- ssshhh -- sorry! what's the matter, mr. kringelein? then you know him? i must -- i hope to see you again, mr. kringelein. perhaps you could present me now, mr. pimenov. well? yes. the pearls are in her room. i've been careful, i've been waiting my chance. i told you i'll get the pearls tonight. no. no -- the floor clerk is out there in the corridor -- she sees everything --- how? no -- no -- no -- no. poor girl -- chloroform would give her a rotten headache. i know -- i had it in the war. besides, she's very pretty -- not young but -- i don't like your tone. get out and leave it to me. be ready to leave on the night train for amsterdam. with the pearls -- we see him tense himself. please, do not be alarmed, madam. careful -- there's broken glass on the floor. there. please do not be frightened, madam. nothing -- only to be here. but surely you must know -- because i love you. poor little grusinskaya! does it do you good to cry? are you afraid? shall i go? don't cry -- it tears my heart to see you sob like that. i'm afraid not -- i usually do just what i feel like doing at the moment. i'd like to smoke a cigarette. i did not know you were so beautiful. and -- no irony. you're so appealing -- so soft -- so tired. i feel like taking you in my arms and not letting anything more happen to you -- ever. how tired you are! so alone. you mustn't talk russian to me. am i quite strange to you? and? i never knew it was so dangerous to hide in a woman's room when she's alone. a man who could love -- that is all, who has forgotten everything else for you. i saw you just now -- then i saw you cry -- and now i see you in the mirror -- grusinskaya. yes -- i do understand. i'm not going -- you know i'm not going -- let me stay here? that is not so -- you don't want to be alone. no -- you don't want to be alone at all -- you were in despair before -- if i left you, you'd feel worse than you did before, you must not be alone -- you mustn't cry -- you must forget. tell me that i can stay with you -- tell me. what? say it again -- i didn't hear. i? -- oh, no. i do only what i take pleasure in doing. i should like to smoke. because i can see something in the mirror that you cannot. my dear -- you are beautiful! beautiful but so sad. i did not know it was so dangerous to look into a woman's bedroom. i'm not going. you know that i'm not going. do you think i could leave you alone here? after that --? the veronal -- you. i'm going to stay here with you. that is not the truth. you do not want to be alone -- you're afraid of being alone -- i know you're afraid. i know you. you were desperate, just now, if i go away you'll be more desperate than ever. say i am to stay with you. say it. just for a minute, grusinskaya -- i am felix benvenuto von gaigern. my mother called me flix. i'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock -- i shall die on the gallows. really, i haven't a bit of character. none at all. when i was a little boy i was taught to ride and be a gentleman -- at school, it was a monastery, i learned to pray and lie -- and --- and then, in the war, to kill and hide. that's all. i'm a gambler -- i'm running at large like a happy pig, devouring anything of life that pleases me, i really belong in jail i'm also a criminal and a hotel thief. please look at me. you must believe me -- you must believe that i love you -- that i have never known what love is -- until last night. there. i don't want them now. i know. yesterday i was a thief -- but now, -- i wanted money desperately -- can you understand? -- that's why i wanted the pearls. i was threatened -- i was desperately in need of a certain big sum of money. i've been following you -- i've admired you. but i have forced myself not to think about you -- last night, at last, i managed to came into your room and -- and now. i couldn't go through with it. remarkable. do you understand? grusinskaya -- you do believe that i really love you? i want to be good to you -- madly good. i'll go -- good-bye. when are you leaving berlin? for vienna? oh -- yes but -- later. i have no money now -- i must get some first -- i must get some. oh no -- that would spoil everything. i'll -- i will manage somehow -- i'll manage myself. i will go with you. when does the train leave? never mind -- i'll get it. i have a whole day. i'll be on that train. i'll go. -- i love you. i'll be on that train. i'll get the money. don't worry. i'll be on the train. he leaves. madam grusinskaya. all right. yes, quite. i'm going to change and we'll meet for a drink in the yellow room. where the music's playing and the ladies are. we again see the apprehension on the baron's face. he crosses, closes the window. as he does so we hear the noise from the conference room. hello -- sorry i'm late. hello, mr. kringelein. how do you feel now? sorry. no thanks -- keeping my head clear. chasing around. money. yesterday -- yes -- that was yesterday. will you do me a big favor? would you like to make a man happy? then dance the next number with kringelein. i feel sorry for him. i fell in love last night -- the real thing. i thought that, too -- but i found that it does. come along, dance with kringelein. pardon me, the lady has urgent business here with me. oh, let the poor devil alone. i think it would be much better if you went away. as you will. no, kringelein, not tired, -- just -- well -- well -- i'd like to kringelein, but i can't -- i am broke! excuse me, mr. kringelein. i've quit. i'm not going to get those pearls and neither are you. i'll pay you back. i have an idea working in my head. if you did that, you'd get nothing except the police after you. if you wait -- i'll give you your six thousand back -- later. bless you. i can't. no! i can't explain now. oh, look -- the pearls. you wear them now. why? don't. yes -- i will be on the train. bless you -- absolutely true, kringelein and i have to raise some money immediately. what? if i could get into a game i might win some. if we could scare up some men to play. good! going? ready, kringelein? no -- not at all. all right then. there you are gentlemen. that was my last. i've no luck. drink to me, kringelein -- it's my last chance. i take five hundred. eight. that's it. the luck's with you. for a while -- i'll recover -- in ten or twenty years. look at that. certainly. you'll be all right, kringelein. quite possibly. here -- here it is. here's your pocketbook, kringelein. goodnight, kringelein. come, get up -- come let me help you. you're all right now -- it's very late -- goodnight, kringelein. goodnight. flaemmchen, what are you doing here in the middle of the night. you live here? oh! well -- such is life, flaemmchen. i must have made a mistake. look here, sir -- i'm completely at your mercy -- i'm desperate -- it's a matter of life or death -- i had to get some money -- tonight. be quiet. don't do that.