mr. preysing. thanks -- heigh! -- wait! i'm the stenographer. don't hurry -- take your time. not with strangers. you're a fool! who? have you seen it? that. oh -- work!! dictation. you know. tea would spoil my dinner. one meal a day, i'd hate to spoil it. no -- why? -- should i? money -- ever heard of it? very little. did you ever see a stenographer with a decent frock on? -- one that she'd bought herself? aren't you? free -- tomorrow? what time tomorrow? where downstairs? you're very funny -- of course. all right. we'll dance. have caviar if you like, but it tastes like herring to me. you are funny. you speak of life as if it were a train you wanted to catch. silk -- think of that -- silk -- they are, too. her master's voice! i must go now -- goodbye -- thanks. i'm engaged for the evening. to take dictation -- a mr. preysing -- goodbye, you -- tomorrow at five o'clock. moreover -- moreover. no -- only occasional jobs. you pay me. moreover. i don't see why it's unusual for a stenographer to be pretty -- if she does her work well, -- seems so silly. i don't know why they don't like girls like me in offices. personally, i hate offices -- i'd much rather be in the movies. yes, i photograph very well. look -- i got ten marks for that. me. moreover. only in mutual advantages -- moreover. that's from skiing. yes. a man i know took me to switzerland last month. only in mutual advantages -- moreover. perhaps. moreover -- do you mind if i smoke? i went to florence once, too. no. not too quickly. you're a little too fast. i understand you perfectly. cotton company -- weight into the balance. deal with manchester cotton company definitely off. sorry. how nice -- your daughters? is that mrs. preysing. oh -- too bad. did you quarrel? good morning, gentlemen -- mr. preysing will be here in a minute. water -- seltzer, three or four bottles and cigars -- good ones. good evening, mr. kringelein -- where's the baron? mr. kringelein -- how you have changed, you look so nice. no - absinthe. you like music? a man might what? oh -- you would! i'd given you up. dance then? what have you been doing all day? chasing what? you were very different yesterday. that was lovely. i'll do anything for you. yes -- i'd love to. why? you're not a bit like you were yesterday. oh -- there's no real thing -- it doesn't exist. anything for you. hello! presently, mr. preysing. come and dance with me, mr. kringelein. tomorrow morning. do you gentlemen know each other, mr. kringelein -- mr. preysing -- baron von gaigern. now, children, no fighting -- save that for the office. let's have our dance. you must look at my face and not at the floor. you're trembling. you dance splendidly. really? let's stop -- i'm tired. please -- please! oh, yes, mr. preysing? nothing. well -- you want me? well? well? i understand perfectly. wait -- i must figure it up. first, i'll need -- clothes -- shoes -- it's cold in england in march, i'll need a suit. you'd want me to look nice? a thousand marks -- oh, yes. you mean baron von gaigern? well, he's a gentleman! yes -- looking for my room -- one sixty- six. for tonight. yes -- oh! and baron, thanks so much for everything. i had to arrange about the trip. you think so? here, hold up! oh -- careful, mr. preysing. oh, no. i couldn't do that, you're a stranger to me. it's not funny at all. one can't get intimate just off hand. i could go to england with you and everything like that -- supposing i met you next year and i said: 'how do you do, mr. preysing! and you said: 'that was the young lady who was my secretary in manchester'. that's all quite proper. but supposing i met you when you were with your wife and i called out: "hello you big baby -- remember manchester?' and you with your wife, how would you like that? all right. i'll get undressed -- get out. mr. kringelein -- mr. kringelein -- where are you? quick -- mr. kringelein. quick -- something awful -- awful has happened. go -- go at once, -- mr. preysing -- oh, don't wait -- go -- it's awful -- it's awful. don't wait now -- go -- preysing. oh -- i was thinking -- poor baron -- lying there, his eyes so open. yes -- perhaps he really was a burglar -- but they don't kill a man for that. i didn't like preysing right off. money! you don't understand that do you? what? yes -- to paris? i wanted to go there always. later? nonsense! we'll find a great doctor, he'll cure you. they can cure anything these days. oh yes, of course. you're a good man, mr. kringelein -- a very good man. let him take it. am i! how do you know there is a grand hotel?