what is this that you have cancelled your car? who am i that i should wait like a fool at the door? and here on a whim, you cancel your car. have you forgotten there is a performance? do you know the time? or, are we all mad? am i your manager?. have we a contract? have we obligations? am i blind? . or is that the time? oh! oh! madam is cancelling the engagement. madam has chosen a funny time for such a funny joke. ha, ha, ha -- hurry, come on. tonight -- there's a line in front of the theatre since six o'clock. the house is jammed to the roof. packed to the ceiling. hurry -- get dressed. and what an audience -- the french ambassador -- american millionaires -- princess ratzville -- er -- er -- you are late. hurry. tell madam grusinskaya's chauffeur to bring the car. terrible. after this, no more ballets for me. jazz -- just jazz. when she gets her paint on and hears the music -- she'll be all right. i know these people. why not? you haven't time. such nonsense. the car for madam grusinskaya. pimenov?. what's happening?. no, i haven't found her. is desprez dancing?. how is it?. oh, all right. keep the show going. wait till i see her, she'll pay for this -- this little trick is going to cost grusinskaya a suit for breach of contract. her nerves. what about my nerves?. who is she anyway? where does she think she is -- russia? those days have passed. well? where have you been? i suppose i can cancel the vienna engagement. you'll be very much alone, my dear madame. this is the end. come along, oh, madam, come along. the train will be going. the troupe, the scenery, everything -- all on board, waiting. you have a rehearsal in vienna tomorrow morning. come, madam, are you mad? four minutes past. please come. madam grusinskaya's car. every seat for the opening has been sold at vienna. sold out for three days.