good evening -- my key -- one sixty- eight. oh -- good evening, baron. grusinskaya -- well, to tell the truth, baron -- tonight we are a little bit nervous. were you at the theatre last night? well -- last night was not so good. yes -- but the audience. if you occupied the room next to madam grusinskaya, you would appreciate the quiet of a hotel lobby. no doubt you would, baron. but do you know, i'm quite indispensable to her. i'm her ballet master and her nurse. i hardly belong to myself anymore. but, there you are, it's grusinskaya -- you can't help adoring her. that is doctor otternschlag -- you know him? the war dropped him here and forgot him. well, baron -- i must go and dress. unfortunately no. poor grusinskaya -- how can she receive anyone. she can't -- theatre, trains, hotels -- hotels, trains theatre. i must go and dress -- she'll be waking up and calling for me. it is time for the performance. poor little lisevata -- she still has her stage frights -- it will pass. what -- what is it? last night. there was -- there was. meierheim -- we will wait. how is the house? if the house is empty again, i don't know -- please, baron -- forgive me -- not now -- here she is. good morning, gru -- your -- gru -- you are positively radiant. he will be on the train. oh -- gru -- come, come -- we'll lose the train. what's the use of asking, gru -- he is at the train -- he will be there. come, lisaveta, he will be there -- he will be there.