yes, it's senf, the head porter, grand hotel.  are you at the clinic?,.  how's my wife?,.  is she in pain?,.  isn't the child coming soon?,.  patience! it's easy for you to talk.  get away?,.  no, i can't -- i'd lose my job. it's like being in jail. oh, i hope the child comes along all right.
i'm on duty -- i can't leave the grand hotel -- it's like being in prison -- the baby --
is that for me?
madam grusinskaya's car is to be brought.
good evening, baron.
yes, baron. madam grusinskaya.
oh yes, baron -- baron von gaigern's seats for madam grusinskaya.
for me?
madam grusinskaya's car is not to be brought.
the train leaves at seven-thirty, madam. that is the only through train -- the dining car goes along.
mr. preysing -- from fredersdorf --
yes, doctor zinnowitz.
for me?
if a young woman, a stenographer, -- etc.
no, doctor.
no, doctor.
nobody, doctor.
will you wait please.
mr. preysing -- one sixty-four.
step back please.
i've told you three times -- baron von gaigern is out.
no, he did not -- there is no message.
no, doctor.
for madam grusinskaya.
your chauffeur's been waiting, baron.
i was at the hospital all night walking up and down the corridor. they wouldn't let me in to see her. she has the pains, but the child doesn't come and i have to stay here chained to this desk.
i hope so.
the young lady's there, sir.
man -- i was at the clinic the whole night -- there are no words to describe what my wife suffered.
no -- no -- not yet. well, i mustn't let it interfere with my duty. any news here?
what? -- who? -- whom?
good heavens. what for?
man -- that's terrible. he was a nice fellow -- i am sorry about him.
i don't believe it -- he was a real gentleman. i know people.  i'm so tired i can hardly see out of my eyes. no sleep for two nights and so many duties and now this killing in the hotel -- that means a lot of work. but it's too bad about the baron, you always felt better when he came along -- always friendly -- such an agreeable fellow.
good morning.
show your hands.
you have dirty nails -- you little pig -- you're no good.  caps off! -- let's see your hair. good -- caps on! where is number seven?.  not here? take his name -- if he comes late again today, he's fired. dismissed!
grand hotel, head porter. what? there's been -- a child born? a boy! yes! my child born! it is healthy.  and my wife? doing well -- all well! the child has come. they are both alive. my child.
at once. any forwarding address, mr. kringelein?
your bill, your excellency.