pardon me. is mr. preysing in -- i am doctor zinnowitz. have i kept you waiting? no news yet? everything depends on the manchester merger. i saw gerstenkorn at lunch -- and as your lawyer i made it my business to broach the matter --- i'm expecting a young woman -- a stenographer -- she will ask for mr. preysing. ask her to wait. good heavens no. that'd create the very worst impression. you must be optimistic. you must convince them. you know as well as i do that the merger must go through. well, don't get excited about it. we agreed that the merger with the saxonia people must go through. i'll see you in the morning then, at the conference. everything'll be all right, preysing. don't worry. goodnight. good morning, gentlemen -- i see the conference is already underway. but the situation is perfectly clear, if you will allow me -- foggy -- frightfully foggy, always, i'm told. have you said anything about manchester, mr. preysing? well -- gentlemen. since, on the eleventh of june of this year -- when the first negotiations for a merger. as you remember it -- when you approached us. and let me say again for the tenth time. . you people were quite ready for the merger. you declared yourselves. fully agreed on all the terms -- why should the signing of these articles be suddenly held up? mr. preysing has too scrupulous a regard for certainties. what a session this has been. you let me talk till i'm hoarse and you had manchester sewed-up all the time. why? well -- the deal has been put through. what's the matter with you? what's bluff? 'deal with manchester definitely off! "preysing, oh -- i'd never have thought it of you. you must go to manchester at once yourself and really see it through. what you need is some relaxation. i can understand that -- after your -- uh -- what do you want with her? she had an engagement in the yellow room at five o'clock -- she was in a hurry. pretty as a picture. bluff does it, preysing, bluff does it. goodnight.