excuse me, sir. is that your hearse? that hearse. are you okay, sir? so, whatcha doin' here? i don't like the look of you. wherever there's a hippie there's a crime, even if it hasn't happened yet. that's what i always say. so whatcha doing here? you're meeting someone off a flight? in a hearse? which parts the surprise: the fact that you're in a bright yellow hearse, the fact that you're dressed like something out of a horror film, or the fact that you're half a mile from the terminal and they're gonna have to walk across two runways to reach you? the first part. okay, now why don't you tell me what the hell's going on? mornin'. i guess it does. nope. sure don't. just a moment, boys. your sidekick here has just finished telling me that you're gonna pick someone up from the terminal. a surprise, he said. and here you are loading a coffin into your vehicle. and you're gonna meet him off his flight with her coffin? that's a real nice touch. right. i see that. are you on drugs, boy? not at this time. okay, well let's see. you just missed a gap of fifty yards and hit a wall in broad daylight. why was that? now i'm gonna. wait.