larry pulls a screwdriver out of the glove compartment and jigs it about in the ignition until the engine catches. larry drives. phil is still pitching. they are driving alongside the airport runway. larry is driving, phil is looking out of the window. they are still in a built up area with cars around them. phil is smoking. larry is driving, his fingers tapping nervously on the wheel. he looks distracted and speaks to break the silence. phil gets into the hearse, looks back at the coffin and sniffs. he looks down at the air conditioning and turns it up full. larry starts the engine and the car stalls. larry drives and talks, phil looks tense. phil is dazed. he checks his forehead, which is bleeding. then he gazes out at the desolate road and the solitary, buckled sign. phil closes his eyes and shakes his head. phil screams at larry. phil and larry stare at the policeman out of the window as the car sweeps past. the cop gets his gun out of his holster, and phil reaches into the glove box and pulls out the screwdriver. he leans across larry, jams it into the wheel column, and snaps the steering lock in two. the hearse's direction immediately changes. phil turns off the ignition and sits back in his seat. he and larry look at each other.