the clerk busies himself opening up. phil wanders around and knocks into a coffin. the lid bangs closed and the sound echoes around the hangar. the clerk scribbles on a form. phil is wheeling a casket on a gurney down the middle of the hangar. he can see larry peering through the window at him. he can also see a uniformed policeman approaching larry from the other side of the street. as he speeds up to try and reach larry first, the clerk calls out from his desk. phil and the clerk peer into the open casket. phil glances nervously out to where larry is being interrogated by the cop. the clerk is reading a paper. the clerk returns with a casket on a gurney and phil replaces the receiver as the clerk flips open the top of the casket and peers inside. the clerk is standing at the counter staring at stanley. stanley and the clerk are staring at each other.