you bust outa jail, tom? oh. she'll prob'ly ride like a bull calf-- but she'll ride! he wasn't sleepin'. he was settin' out back a the barn. they's somepin' wrong with him. ain't you gonna look back, ma?--give the ol' place a last look? that don't sound like you, ma. you never was like that before. need some gas, mister. whatta you think:--we's beggin'? she's off her chump, seems to me. what a place! how'd you like to walk acrost her? lots must a died, too. will ya look at her! one. how 'bout you? but ain't no reason-- okay. i think you're a darn fool, though. sure! i was just aimin' to meet up with a couple girls i know. i'd come back-- but it ain't runnin' away, ma. all i wanta do is go away with another fella an' look aroun' for work by ourself-- tom? you can come on. they gone. know what i'm a-gonna do? i'm a-gonna save up an' go in town an' get me a job in a garage. live in a room an' eat in restaurants. go to the movin' pitchers *ever'* night. cowboy pitchers. what is it, a wreck? maybe the road's out. think i'll look aroun' an' see if i can't meet me a girl. you mean that hitch-hiker? little short fella with a pale face? we just picked him up on the way in. he went away this mornin' when the rate dropped. short fella. pale face. i didn't see nothin'. yeah. goin' north. got a job. fan-belt's shot. gallon or two? she got to make it. what's the idea of that? got any room here for us? cops? how 'bout it, uncle john? gotta pitch this tent. gonna dance tonight? i can waltz. not like me! well, you said anybody can waltz. how'm *i* doin'? why, i ain't hardly touchin' you! that comes from not holdin' you tight *enough.* you an' who else? ready, ma? ready, pa? twenty days work, oh boy! whatsa matter, ma? gettin' scared? watch me pass that chevvy. look at that ol' coffeepot steam!