you hit 'er too fast. well, a lot a kids play in here. you tell folks to go slow and they liable to forget. but let 'em hit that hump once and they don't forget! you're lucky. fellow just moved out half-hour ago. down that line and turn to the left. you'll see it. you'll be in no. 4 sanitary unit. toilet and showers and washtubs. yes, ma'am. camp committee'll call on you in the morning and get you fixed. no. no cops. folks here elect their own cops. the ladies' committee'll call on you, ma'am, about the kids and the sanitary unit and who takes care of 'em. come inside and sign up. i don't mean to be nosy, y'understand. i just got to have certain information. what's your name? how many of you? camp site costs a dollar a week, but you can work it out, carrying garbage, keeping the camp clean--stuff like that. we got five sanitary units. each one elects a central committee man. they make the laws, an' what they say goes. that's the way it is. no cop can come in here without a warrant. they don't get in here. sometimes the boys patrol the fences, especially dance nights. we got the best dances in the county every saturday night. government. *you* find out, i can't. can't promise you that, but there'll be a licensed agent here tomorrow mornin', if you want to talk to him. that cut you got? better take care of it. store manager'll give you some stuff for it in the morning. goodnight. riot? i don't see no riot. who're you? got a warrant? well, i don't know what you gonna do about it, because i don't hear no riot an' i don't see no riot, an' what's more i don't believe they *is* no riot. look for yourself. you got no right to arrest anybody without a warrant, you know. good luck to you! good luck, ever'body!