you doin' the hirin'? all right, mister. i'll go. you just show your license to contrack, an' then you make out a order--where an' when an' how much you gonna pay--an' you sign it an' we'll go. 'f we're workin' for you, it's our business too. an' how do we know-- --you ain't one a the guys that sent these things out? twicet now i've fell for that line. maybe he needs a thousan' men. so he get's five thousan' there, an' he'll pay fifteen cents a hour. an' you guys'll have to take it 'cause you'll be hungry. 'f he wants to hire men, let him write it out an' say what he's gonna pay. ast to see his license. he ain't allowed by law to contrack men without a license. you see? if this guy was on the level, would he bring a cop along?