one little ole dab!--one teeny little ole dab! whyn't you keep your eyes shet durin' grace, you ole. wait'll i get to california! gonna reach up and pick me an orange whenever i want it! or grapes. that there's somethin' i ain't *never* had enough of! gonna get me a whole bunch a grapes off a bush and i'm gonna squash 'em all over my face and just let the juice dreen down offen my chin! maybe i get me a whole *washtub* fulla them grapes and jest sit in 'em and scrooge around till they was gone! i shore would like to do that! i knowed it! couldn't keep him in! can't keep a joad in! i knowed it from the fust! you know what i al'ays said: "tom'll come bustin' outa that jail like a bull through a corral fence." can't keep no joad in jail! i was the same way myself. put me in jail and i'd bust right out. couldn't hold me! the jailbird's back! the jailbird's back! ef you don't let me go-- ain't nothin' the matter. i just ain't a-goin', that's all. i ain't talkin' about you, i'm talkin' about me. and i'm a-stayin'. i give her a good goin' over all night long-- and i'm a-stayin'. all but me! i'm a-stayin'. take her with you! muley's livin', ain't he? and i'm *twicet* the man muley is! and i ain't gonna listen either. i tol' you what i'm gonna do. and i don't give a hoot in a hollow if they's oranges and grapes crowdin' a fella outa bed even, i ain't a- goin' to california! this here's my country. i b'long *here*. it ain't no good-- --but it's mine. and can't nobody *make* me go, either! ain't nobody here *man* enough to make me! i'm a-stayin'. if muley can scrabble along, i can do it too. i smell spareribs. somebody been eatin' spareribs? how come i ain't got some? awright, but get me some a them spareribs, too. get me a whole mess of 'em. i'm hongry. i shore do like spareribs. ain't a-goin', thas all. *ain't* a-goin'. ain't a-goin'. thas it, jus' tar'd thas all. jus' tar'd.