they gone.
gone-- --over to your uncle john's. the whole crowd of 'em, two weeks ago. but they can't stay there either, because john's got *his* notice to get off.
ever'body got to get off. ever'body leavin', goin' to california. my folks, your folks, ever'body's folks. ever'body but me. i ain't gettin' off.
listen! that's some of what done it--the dusters. started it, anyway. blowin' like this, year after year--blowin' the land away, blowin' the crops away, blowin' us away now.
some say i am. you want to hear what happened?
the way it happens--the way it happened to me--the man come one day.
but we couldn't *do* on any less'n what our share is now. the chillun ain't gettin' enough to eat as it is, and they're so ragged we'd be shamed if ever'body else's chillun wasn't the same way.
you mean get off my own land?
who's the shawnee land and cattle comp'ny?
then who *do* we shoot?
well, i'm right here to tell you, mister, ain't *nobody* going to push me off *my* land! grampa took up this land seventy years ago. my pa was born here. we was *all* born on it, and some of us got killed on it, and some died on it. and that's what makes it ourn--bein' born on it, and workin' it, and dyin' on it--and not no piece of paper with writin' on it! so just come on and try to push me off!
they come. they come and pushed me off.
they come with the cats.
the cats--the caterpillar tractors.
you come any closer and i'm gonna blow you right outa that cat!
i *tol'* you!
why, you're joe davis's boy!
then what are you doin' this kind a thing for--against your own people?
but this is *my land*, son. don't you understand?
have it your own way, son, but just as sure as you touch my house with that cat i'm gonna blow you plumb to kingdom come.
i'm tellin' you!
what was the use. he was right. there wasn't a thing in the world i could do about it.
the rest of my fambly set out for the west--there wasn't nothin' to eat--but i couldn't leave. somepin' wouldn't let me. so now i just wander around. sleep wherever i am. i used to tell myself i was lookin' out for things, so when they come back ever'thing would be all right. but i knowed that wan't true. there ain't nothin' to look out for. and ain't nobody comin' back. they're gone-- and me, i'm just an 'ol graveyard ghost--that's all in the world i am.
you think i'm touched.
it don't matter. if i'm touched, i'm touched, and that's all there is to it.
just a plain 'ol graveyard ghost, that's all.
listen! that's them! them lights! come on, we got to hide out!
you're *trespassin'*! it ain't you lan' no more! an' that's the supr'tendant--with a gun!
all you got to do is lay down an' watch.
i don't think so. one come out here once an' i clipped him from behin' with a fence stake. they ain't bothered since.