it's tommy! it's tommy back! what'd you do, son--bust out? that's connie rivers with her. they're married now. she's due about three-four months. sol' things, chopped cotton--even grampa. got us about two hunnerd dollars all tol'. shucked out seventy- five for this truck, but we still got nearly a hunnerd and fifty to set out on. i figger we oughta be able to make it on that. reckon we better begin roustin' 'em out if we aim to get outa here by daylight. how about it, john? how you boys comin'? where's grampa? al, go git him. you kids climb up first, on top. al's gonna drive, ma. you sit up there with him and granma and we'll swap around later. connie, you he'p rosasharn up there alongside ruthie and winfiel'. where's grampa? well, leave him a place, but noah, you and john, y'all kinda find yourself a place--kinda keep it even all around. what you mean you ain't goin'? we *got* to go. we got no place to stay. but you can't *do* that, grampa. this here land is goin' under the tractor. we *all* got to git out. now listen, grampa. listen to me, just a minute. can't tie him. either we'll hurt him or he'll git so mad he'll hurt his self. reckon we could git him *drunk*? better give him a good 'un. he's awful bull-headed. easy, *easy!* you wanta bust his head wide open? pull his arms, john. put somepin' over him, so he won't git sun-struck. ever'body set now? awright, al, letta go! you be awright, grampa. hey, wait! hold 'er, al! ain't you goin' with us? come on, get on, plenty room! here we go! not be so lonesome, either, knowin' his name is there with 'im, not just' a old fella lonesome underground. thas my son-in-law. oklahoma. had us a farm there, share- croppin'. wal, y'cain't tell. i figure when we git out there an' git work an' maybe git us a piece a growin' lan' near water it might not be so bad at that. no, we ain't got no money. but they's plenty of us to work, an' we 're all good men. get good wages out there an' put it all together an' we'll be awright. we gonna take whatever they got. whatta you think you're talkin' about? i got a han'bill here says good wages, an' i seen it in the papers they need pickers! but what about this? but what does *that* prove? s'pose he's tellin' the truth--that fella? how can you tell? could you see your way clear to sell us a loaf of bread, ma'am. i know, ma'am. on'y it's for a ole lady, no teeth, gotta sof'n it with water so she can chew it, an' she's hongry. i shore would like to do that, ma'am, but the fack is, we ain't got but a dime for it. it's all figgered out, i mean--for the trip. would you--could you see your way to cuttin' off ten cents worth? no, sir, we wanta buy ten cents worth, thas all. i don't wanta rob you, ma'am. may soun' funny to be so tight, but we got a thousan' miles to go, an' we don't know if we'll make it. is them penny candy, ma'am? there, them stripy ones. well, give me two then, ma'am. sure, take 'em, take 'em! thank you, ma'am. there she is, folks--the land a milk an' honey--california! course not. come on, let's get goin'. she don't look so tough to me! how's granma since we got her in the tent? i shore would like to stop here a while an' give her some res' but we on'y got 'bout forty dollars left. i won't feel right till we're there an' all workin' an' a little money comin' in. goin' west? can you make a livin' there? ya know, you're the second fella talked like that. i'd like to hear some more about that. if a fella's willin' to work hard, can't he cut her? john, you never was a fella to say much, but i'll be goldanged if you opened your mouth twicet since we lef' home. what you think about this? i never knowed they was anything like her! ain't it no good? but what we gonna *do*? how 'bout it? sure we wanta work. where's it at? leave him alone, ma--al's just billy- goatin' around-- cut it out, ma, or i'll-- now don't get sassy, ma. i never *seen* her so sassy. an' she ain't so young, neither! jus' sassy, that's all. what's a matter now? glad to get shet of him. never was no good an' never will be-- how come i got to shh? run out, didn't he? i ain't got nothin' in *my* han'. it sure is hell jus' tryin' to get enough to eat. that! you wouldn't think jus' reachin' up an' pickin'd get you in the back. no. i'm jus' gonna set awhile an' then go to bed. we're goin' out. know where we're a-goin'? we gonna stay, ain't we? yes, sir, an' we aim to git in all twenny of 'em. all aboard, ever'body! all aboard for fresno! make her easy, john. watch her. let 'er go, gallagher! be glad to get my han' on some cotton. that's the kin' a pickin' i understan'. you the one that keeps us goin', ma. i ain't no good any more, an' i know it. seems like i spen' all my time these days a-thinkin' how it use'ta be--thinkin' of home--an' i ain't never gonna see it no more. maybe, but we shore takin' a beatin'.