heh'o tom. this is connie, my husband. you do not see either!--not yet! ma. all this, will it hurt the baby? sometimes i'm all jumpy inside. but will it--hurt the baby? you don't ever get scairt, do you, ma? don't it ever scare you it won't be nice in california like we think? maybe it's nice on the other side. them pitchers--them little pos'cards-- they was real pretty. seems like we wasn't never gonna do nothin' but move. i'm so tar'd. you ain't--you ain't sorry, are you, honey? but we can still do it, honey. why, connie's folks from cherokee county-- tom, i jus' don't feel like nothin' a tall. without him i jus' don't wanta live. maybe connie went to get some books to study up with. he's gonna be a radio expert, ya know. maybe he figgered to suprise us. we gonna live here? i like the tent better. no'm. here come a lot of people. ma. you know, if connie was here i wouldn't min' any a this. tommy. some smoke up there. ma. ma, i--i can't go to the dance. i jus' can't ma. i can't hardly stan' it, with connie not here--an' me this way. i can't he'p it, ma. it don't make *me* giggly an' happy. an' you won't let nobody touch me?