lissen here. maybe i'm talkin' myself outa my farm, but i like you fellas, so i'm gonna tell you. you live in that gov'ment camp, don't you? and you have dances every saturday night? well, look out next saturday night. don't you ever tell i told. well, the association don't like the government camps. can't get a deputy in there. can't arrest a man without a warrant. but if there was a big fight, and maybe shooting--a bunch of deputies could go in and clean out the camp. like last night. lissen. "citizens, angered at red agitators, burn another squatters' camp, warn agitators to get out of the county." i ain't talkin' about that one way or the other. all i'm saying is that there's going to be a fight in the camp saturday night. and there's going to be deputies ready to go in. i'll tell you why. those folks in to being treated like humans. suppose the government closes its camps. suppose too many people pass through 'em. well, when those people go back to the squatters' camps they'll be hard to handle. go on back to work now. maybe i've talked myself into trouble, but you're folks like us, and i like you. you watching out, ain't you? i hope you know what you're talking about.