lotta these little farmers mighty nice fellas. trouble is they're little, they ain't got much say-so. what you mean? i belong to the central committee. i got to know. what is it? nobody won't know who tol'. we thank you. an' they ain't gonna be no fight, either. thank you, willie. you done good. well, it looks like the fat's in the far this time. no! that's what they want. no sir. if they can git a fight goin', then they can run in the cops an' say we ain't orderly-- you sure you got ever'thing ready? you ain't to hurt them fellas. just don't use no stick nor no knife, no piece a arn. an' if you got to sock 'em, sock 'em where they won't bleed. awright. an' if she gets outa han', i'll be in the right han' corner, this side the dance floor. all i hope, i hope they don't kill nobody.