yeeeeeeehaaaawwwwwwrooooo! whoooee, boys! ain't this a party, now? is it, or what? g'wan, shoot! see who ya hit! c'mon, percy, hit me! hit me, you limp noodle, hit me! yeehawww! big fucker. snuck up on me. no fair. hey! what about me? i'm'a get some too, ain't i hey! what about me? don't you hold out on me, ya big dummy nigger! that's it? just that little bitty one? guess i'll have to pay out for the rest, huh? yeehaaw! good shot, weren't it? oh, the look on your face! hey, d'jall like that? i'm currently cooking some turds t'go with it! nice soft ones! i'll have 'em out t'yall tomorrow! hey! whassit now, movin' day? y'all wanna come in and dust a little? y'can shine my knob for me while yer at it! you can come in here on your legs, but you'll go out on your backs, billy the kid guarantee ya that. c'mon, fuckstick. no sneakin' up on me this time. we'll go man to man, see who's the better fel-- don't you call me that! wild bill hickock wasn't no range rider! he was just a bushwackin' john law! dumb sonovabitch sat with his back to the door and kilt by a drunk! oh, not in there! c'mon now, i'll be good! honest injun i will! no! no! ummmmhhhh. urg. ah! i learnt my lesson. i'll be good. pssss. hey. give'ya nickel for that moon pie. li'l black sambo, yassuh, boss, yassuh, howdoo you do? ain't you sweet. soft. like a girl. i druther fuck your asshole than your sister's pussy, i think. i let 'im go, i'us just playin' and i let 'im go! never hurt a hair on his purty head! your noodle ain't limp at all, loverboy! i think you sweet on ol' billy the kid. . oooh, but smell you. he's cookin' now! they cookin' him good! near about done, i reckon! barbecue! me and you! stinky, pinky, phew-phew-phew! weren't billy or jilly or hilly or roy--it was a french-fried faggot named delacroix! hey. hey, i'm'a get some too. hell, yes, i been behaved. c'mon, now, don't be stingy hogs. c'mon, you clunk, gimme that. c'mon now, don't be that way. i be good. we'll break out the fire hose and take it anyway. and you will have drunk your last r.c. cola. unless they serve 'em down in hell. where you fink you're goin'? s'right, nigger. bad as you'd want. whooeee. whole room's spinning. like i'm shit-ass drunk. i have me some shine or what? niggers oughtta have they own 'lectric chair. white man oughtn't havta sit in no nigger 'lectric chair, nossir. what'a you looking at, you limp noodle? you wanna kiss my ass or suck my dick? you lover your sister? you make any noise, know what happens? i'll kill her instead of you. and if you make any noise, i'll kill her.