old fuck. out for a little stroll, paulie? what's with this poncho you got on, huh? this isn't yours. but not for you, paulie, that's the thing. those are for the staff. it's not about harm, it's about rules. you probably don't think an old fart like you has to mind rules anymore, but that's just not true. you got no business up in those woods anyway, especially in the rain. what if you fall and bust a hip, huh? who you think's gonna have to hoss your sorry old bacon back down here? me, that's who. what do you do up there, anyway? you're too old to go jerk off, so what do you do? come on. open up. let poppa see. paulie? you tell anyone i squeezed your po' ol' hand, i'll tell 'em you're having senile delusions. who you think they'll believe? s'matter, paulie? why the boo-hoo- hoo? something nasty happen? as i live and breathe! fooled you, didn't i got yourself a little love nest here, i see. what the fuck? is that a mouse? it's a goddamn mouse, y'old fool, they carry all kind'a disease. now step aside. who you calling percy? name's brad, you senile fucker. and i'm gonna nail that mouse, you can take that to the everfucking bank. piss off, you wrinkeldy old bitch. me and paulie are talking. who the hell you think you are? don't know what you're getting so het up about. just a damn mouse. don't bother coming back here tomorrow. mr. edgecomb gonna be a new lock on this door. this is off-limits to residents, no matter what mrs. my shit don't stink has to say about it.