paul? prisoner.
you all right in there?
you should'a took the day off, gone to see the doctor.
damn, they're riding on the axle. what'd they do, bust the springs?
paul? you might wanna reconsider getting in the cell with this guy?
he's enormous.
you sure you wanna be in there with him?
course they're broken, i heard the damn bones crack. goddamn percy.
you'll probably have to answer for sending him off the mile. he's gonna cause you trouble over this, you mark me.
monstrous big. damn.
paul? dean?
i guess the legislature loosened those purse-strings enough to hire on a new guard. look again. he's right there.
oh, my christ. the big mouse expert. the mouse man. you see it foaming at the mouth, mouse man?
i just wanna see what he'll do. in the interests of science, like.
har har, mouse man.
then where the hell is he?
three grown men. outsmarted by a mouse.
percy, we already tried that--
i said--
--uh, knock yourself out. hope you nail the bastard.
gosh. ain't in there, huh? don't that beat the mousie band?
we don't scare 'em any more than we have to, percy. they're under enough strain as it is.
roll on one.
arlen bitterbuck, you have been condemned to die by a jury of your peers, sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state.
it was pretty funny.
sorry, paul. you're right. let's keep going. harry.
arlen bitterbuck, electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead, in accordance with the state law. god have mercy on your soul. roll on two.
one of the witnesses showed up a day early.
roll on two.
he's paid what he's owed. he's square with the house again, so keep your goddamn hands off him.
who's training who here?
breathe. breathe. that's it.
what about you? you look about ready to collapse.
oh, my suds and body! a history lesson! you just never know what you're gonna get when you come to work everyday on the green mile. thank you, wild bill.
hope your bags are packed.
percy, you shit.
shut up, del.
how about mouseville?
tourist attraction down in florida. tallahassee, i think. is that right, paul? tallahassee?
you think they'd take mr. jingles? you think he's got the stuff?
tourist attraction, i said. they got this big tent you go into--
you shittin' me? course you pay. dime a piece, two cents for the kids. and inside the tent there's this mouse city made out of boxes and toilet paper rolls.
plus they got the mouseville all-star circus. there's mice that swing on trapeze, mice that roll barrels, mice that stack coins.
percy, no!
what are you doing?
paul, what the hell--
oh, dear jesus. the tail. look at the tail.
i always keep a spare mouse in my wallet for occasions such as this.
thing like that goes in your work record. work record can follow a man around a long, long time.
we'll do it together, most likely. maybe take a little vacation time.
that's right, del.
don't you tell him to stop. don't you do it. it's too late for that.
you do it. you're running the show, ain't you?
what do you mean, no? how can you say no? you saw what he did!
so he just gets away with it? is that how it works?
i could'a gone the rest of the day without you bringing that up.
if you say it, i accept it. but what's it got to do with us?
melinda? melinda moores?
so you're talking about taking john coffey to her. that's more than just our jobs, paul.
i'm sure she's a fine woman.
i have no doubt. but we don't know her like you and jan do. do we?
we'd all have shotguns in addition to sidearms. i'd insist on that. he tried anything, we'd have to take him down. you understand.
so. tell us what you had in mind.
i was never here.
fellas thirsty? fresh out of the icebox.
my ass you get some too.
guess were all in.
oooo, poicy! what would your mother say?
you're dead wrong about that, you know.
you gonna put your arms up? i'll rip your ears off. use 'em for tea caddies. you know i will.
you'll get 'em back, don't worry.
if you get lonely, think about olive oyl.  . uk-uk-uk-uk!
we see her, john.
how far is it?
we can still turn back.
this is a mistake. christ, paul, what were we thinking?
john! sick it up! cough 'em out like you done before!
he's choking! whatever he sucked out of her, he's choking on it!
he'll never sit in old sparky. you know that, don't you? he swallowed that stuff for a reason. i give him a few days. one of us'll be doing a cell check and there he'll be. dead on his bunk.
he's hurting, dean. hurting bad.
we still gotta convince a certain somebody to keep his trap shut.
my mother always said if you do it fast, it won't hurt so much.
i guess she was wrong.
what happens on the mile, stays on the mile. always has.
he'll talk. sooner or later.
paul, no!
bastard grabbed him through the bars a few days back, scared the boy so bad he wet himself.
only not.
him being there in may doesn't mean he came back and killed those girls in june. even if he was committing other crimes.
besides, confessing don't make it so. slugs like wild bill lie about everything. crimes they committed, women they had, even the weather.
even if we did think of something, it wouldn't do any good.
there must be something we can do for you, john. there must be something you want.
feel how we feel, then. we don't hate you--can you feel that?
paul. you have to say it. you have to give the order.