yes, sir, boss, like the drink, only not spelt the same. it weren't me making all the noise, boss. no, sir. do you leave a light on after bedtime? because i get a little scared in the dark sometimes. if it's a strange place. cor'der. couldn't help it, boss. i tried to take it back, but it was too late. john coffey. like the drink, only not spelt the same. i couldn't help it. i tried to take it back, but it was too late. saw me a mouse go by. weren't no dream. it was a mouse all right. stares through his bars as the mouse goes by. saw me a mouse go by. del? that's some smart mouse, del. like he's a circus mouse or something. boss edgecomb? needs ta see you down here, boss. careful. careful. careful. boss? needs ta see ya down here. but i needs ta see ya, boss. i needs ta talk t'ya. closer. boss, please. i got to whisper in your ear. just to help. i helped it. didn't i help it? just took it back, is all. awful tired now, boss. dog tired. i'm smelling me some cornbread. thank me for what? helping you with what? ohhh. was your missus pleased? this all for me? can i give some to del? here's for del and mr. jingles then. well. fine. i think i'll keep the rest, then. wel'cm. you knock 'em for a loop like mr. harry says, del. give'm to me. give'm to me. might still be time. i helped del's mouse. he a circus mouse. goan live in a mouse city down in. down in. boss percy's bad. he mean. he step on del's mouse. i took it back, though. i'll take him, boss. jus' for now. if del don' mind. you be still, mr. jingles. you be so quiet and so still. poor del. poor old del. i could feel it from here. he's out of it now, though. he's the lucky one. no matter how it happened, del's the lucky one. ran down there. don't think he'll be back. awful tired now, boss. dog tired. sure. i'd like to take a ride. we goan for the ride now? you're a bad man. he's a bad man. they're still in there. pieces of them, still in there. i hear them screaming. say. this is fun. look, boss! it's cassie, the lady in the rocking chair! you see her? you see the lady? hey there, little firefly. where's mrs. firefly this evening? oh, there you is. you come out to play too? i love 'em, is why. they don't think no hurtful thoughts. they's just happy to be. happy little lightning bugs. help a lady? dunno. tell the truth, boss, i don't know much'a anything. never have. bye, fireflies. bye. boss, look. someone's up. just to help. just to help, boss, that's all. boss, you just be quiet now and let me be. don't hardly remember, ma'am. john coffey, ma'am. like the drink, only not spelt the same. ma'am? i see it. i see it. you be still now. you be so quiet and so still. john coffey, ma'am. no, ma'am. not spelt the same at all. thank you, ma'am. punished them bad men. i saw in his heart. when he grab my arm, i saw what wild billy done. saw plain as day. can't hide what's in your heart. take my hand, boss. you see for yourself. my hand. gots to, boss. gots to give you a little bit of myself. a gift, like. a gift of what's in me so you can see. he kill 'em with they love. they love for each other. you see how it is? that's how it is ever' day. that's how it is all over the worl'. hello, boss. meatloaf be nice. mashed taters with gravy. okra, maybe. i's not picky. don't want no preacher. you can say a prayer, if you want. i could get kneebound with you, i guess. i know what you gonna say. you don' have to say it. why would you do such a foolish thing? you tell god the father it was a kindness you done. i know you hurtin' and worryin', i can feel it on you, but you oughtta quit on it now. because i want it over and done. i do. i'm tired, boss. tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. mostly i'm tired of people being ugly to each other. i ain't never seen me a flicker show. can't believe what he's seeing. he's so excited his breath is caught in his throat. softly: why, they's angels. angels. just like up in heaven. i be all right, fellas. this here's the hard part. i be all right in a little while. you know, i fell asleep this afternoon and had me a dream. i dreamed about del's mouse. i dreamed he got down to that place boss howell talked about, that mouseville place. i dreamed there was kids, and how they laughed at his tricks! my! i dreamed those two little blonde- headed girls were there. they 'us laughing, too. i put my arms around 'em and sat 'em on my knees, and there 'us no blood comin' outta their hair and they 'us fine. we all watch mr. jingles roll that spool, and how we did laugh. fit to bus', we was. strength? i know a prayer i once heard. can i say it? baby jesus, meek and mild, pray for me. be with me until the end. amen. is faltering as paul and brutal bring him to the chair. they's a lot of folks here hate me. a lot. i can feel it. like bees stinging me. it hurts. i'm sorry for what i am. please, boss, don't put that thing over my face. don't put me in the dark, i's afraid of the dark. heaven. i'm in heaven. heaven. heaven. heaven. he kill 'em with they love. that's how it is ever' day. all over the worl'.