it ain't normal for a mouse to come up on people that way. maybe it's rabid. i don't see its mouth at all. aw, brutal, no! we'll be hip-deep in mice around here. he's in the damn restraint room. you know he's gonna be chewing the padding out of walls and making himself a nice little nest. brutal or the mouse? no i didn't, i was here all the time! well, bright side is, all this commotion probably scared him off for good. no, it's dandruffy and it smells. oh, he's good. fast, too. doesn't get 'em worked up. c'mon, percy, give us a hand. what did you do? i could'a gone the rest of the year. you're talking about an authentic healing. a praise-jesus miracle. damn right. that's prison time if we get caught. well, that's a tender notion, but the man's on death row for the crime. plus, he's huge. if he tried to get away, it'd take a lot of bullets to stop him. oh, thanks. that's swell. coffey got upset, so we put him in the restraint room. they hear any noise, they'll think it's him. you're over in admin, going over del's file. brutal and harry are in the laundry doing their wash-- am i glad to see you! you were gone so long! wild bill's making noises like he's gonna wake up. what the hell's wrong with him? what about mrs. moores? was it like the mouse? was it a. you know. a miracle? oh god, oh god, no. well, i dunno, he just snapped, i guess. we never reported anything like that. we would've, too, everybody knows it. it's part of our job. ma'am, your son's grown up and moved away. my kids are just starting kindergarten. will you be the one to explain to them why their daddy's in prison?