new boy coming in, boss?
oww, god, he bus' my fingers!
oww, damn, boss, he done bus' my fingers for true.
sits quietly picking his nose in his cell. the mouse appears outside the bars, cruising inexorably up the mile. del turns slowly, watches the mouse go by.
look! i done tame me dat mouse!
watch dis! watch what he do!
ain't he sumpthin now? ain't mr. jingles smart?
dat his name. he whisper it in my ear. cap'n, can i have a box for my mouse so he can sleep in here wi' me?
wanna see what else he can do? watch, watch, watch.
we play fetch, mr. jingles? we play fetch?
he fetch it ever' time. smart as hell, ain't he? we do da trick again, watch, watch, watch.
a circus mouse! dat jus' what he is, too! a circus mouse! i get outta here, he make me rich, see if he don't!
don' hurt him, 'kay? 'kay?
don' look so good, boss. look like you runnin' you a fever.
boss? you know you not s'pose to do dat.
help! john coffey's killing boss edgecomb! help!
what dat man do to you? he throw some gris-gris on you? you look diff'int! even walk diff'int. like y'all better!
oh. oh my.
oh my. john, i can smell it from here. i surely can.
oh, john. so very fine of you. so very kind. mr. jingles t'ank you.
whatchoo talkin' bout?
you fellas comin'?
messieurs et mesdames! bienvenue au cirque de mousie!
they love mr. jingles! they laugh and cheer and clap they hands!
lookit, he done piss his pants! look what the big man done! he bus' other people wid 'is stick, mais oui some mauvais homme, but someone touch him, he make water in his pants jus' like a baby!
how could a boy be trust wid mr. jingles? maybe forget to feed him. and how he keep up wid his trainin', just a boy, n'est-ce pas?
t'ank you kindly, merci beaucoup, but you live out in the woods, and mr. jingles, he be scared to live out dans la foret.
hey! what dis mouseville?
like a cirque? you have to pay?
dat's it! dat's da place for mr. jingles! you gonna be a circus mouse after all! gonna live in a mouse city down in florida!
please, john. oh johnny, help him, please help him, s'il vous plait.
hey, boys. say hi, mr. jingles.
boss edgecomb?
don' let nothin' happen to mr. jingles, okay?
here, take him.
yeah, you take 'im, john. take him til' dis foolishment done--bien! after, you take him down to florida? to dat mouseville?
people pay a dime apiece to see him. two cents for the kiddies. ain't dat right, boss howell?
you a good man, boss howell. you too, boss edgecomb. wish i could'a met you bot' someplace else.
au revoir, mon ami. je t'aime, mon petit.
i sorry for what i do. i give anything to take it back, but i can't. god have mercy on me. don' forget 'bout mouseville.